Hi Youssef, I'm sorry for the trouble! If you update to a recent "nightly build" such as 1.4-129 then this should go away. If it still doesn't, then have a look at your path: echo $PATH which is probably quite long....and identify a few things (perhaps ccp4 and coot for example) that you don't need while running phenix...and then add the keyword: remove_path_word_list="coot ccp4" All the best, Tom T remove_path_word_list = None .help = "List of words identifying paths to remove from PATH " "These can be used to shorten your PATH. For example..." "cns ccp4 coot would remove all paths containing these " "words except those also containing phenix. Capitalization" "is ignored." ">> Dear all,
Recently I have problem with Autobuild. The process fails with the following message: Failed to carry out AutoBuild_build_cycle: child process stderr output: command: 'csh /home/phenix/p21/AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/RUN_FILE_1' Word too long. Even if I set the path only to things related to phenix, the process fails with the same error.
Any idea?
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