Call for targets (not-yet-released structures) for CASP13 modelling experiment

Posted on behalf of the CASP organizing committee: **** NB: There are only two weeks left to collect new targets for CASP13, so your contributions would be very gratefully received! **** Request for protein structures to test modeling methods - CASP13 CASP community experiments aim to establish and advance the state of the art in protein structure modeling. To this end, CASP collects information on soon-to-be released experimental structures for a three month season every two years. Sequences and other information on these targets is distributed to the protein modeling community, and the resulting models assessed by independent experts in the field. Results are published in special issues of the journal PROTEINS (see all about CASP12 at About 100 modeling groups from around the world take part. The success of CASP depends completely on the generosity of the experimental community in providing modeling targets. We are now requesting targets for the CASP13 experiment, which will launch at the beginning of May. So, if you have anything suitable, we would be most grateful if you would go to the target entry page: The CASP community needs modeling targets over a wide range of difficulty, for modeling with and without the aid of templates. We are particularly interested in membrane proteins, protein complexes, and cryo-EM structures. We are also extending CASP to include more modeling assisted by sparse experimental data, in collaboration with experimental groups in NMR, SAXS, chemical crosslinking, and FRET. For that, protein material is needed (of course this is not expected for most targets, but if its available, it would be much appreciated!). For those of you who have not provided targets to CASP before, the procedure is simple – there is a web page for submitting targets, and an experienced staff to deal with any queries. We don’t need the structure in advance of its release by the PDB, and if we are notified early enough (a minimum of three weeks before release, more is better) there need be no delay in structure release. More details are available on the web site. Thanks, CASP organizing committee: John Moult, University of Maryland, USA Krzysztof Fidelis, University of California, Davis, USA Andriy Kryshtafovych, University of California, Davis, USA Torsten Schwede, University of Basel, Switzerland ------ Randy J. Read Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge Cambridge Institute for Medical Research Tel: + 44 1223 336500 Wellcome Trust/MRC Building Fax: + 44 1223 336827 Hills Road E-mail: [email protected] Cambridge CB2 0XY, U.K.
participants (1)
Randy Read