Announcement and call for abstracts: Structural Bioinformatics microsymposium at ECM29, August 23-28, Rovinj, Croatia

Dear Colleagues, The 29th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM29), to be held on August 23-28 in Rovinj, Croatia, will feature a Structural Bioinformatics microsymposium ( All structural bioinformatics topics with relevance to macromolecular crystallography are welcome. Abstract submission (for oral or poster presentation) is available at, with deadline March 23. The final program will encompass two 30-min talks from invited speakers, three 20-min talks chosen from the submitted abstracts, and poster presentations. Looking forward to many interesting contributions; with best regards, Guido Capitani Dr. Guido Capitani Paul Scherrer Institute OFLC/110 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland [email protected] Tel. +41 56 310 47 22
participants (1)
Capitani Guido (PSI)