Dear All,I have a theoretical/practical question about omit maps and refinement. I am completing the refinement (in Phenix) of a protein-ligand complex at 1.3A resolution. I solved it by MR and automatic rebuilding of the protein alone first then built in the ligand. Rfree and Rfac are 19.4%/18.2% after TLS and water-picking in Phenix. The model includes everything protein, water, ligand and some ions. However I have some slight doubts one region in my ligand. What would be the best map, less biased, to look at this "very late" stage of the refinement. Are composite or systematic SA omit map useful options at this stage ? Thanks a lot in advance Pascal F. Egea, PhD Assistant Professor UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine Department of Biological Chemistry 314 Biomedical Sciences Research Building office (310)-825-1013 lab (310)-825-8722 email [email protected]

Hi Pascal,
I have a theoretical/practical question about omit maps and refinement. I am completing the refinement (in Phenix) of a protein-ligand complex at 1.3A resolution. I solved it by MR and automatic rebuilding of the protein alone first then built in the ligand. Rfree and Rfac are 19.4%/18.2% after TLS and water-picking in Phenix. The model includes everything protein, water, ligand and some ions.
Just a few remarks: - At this resolution you should refine individual anisotropic ADPs, rather than constrained ADPs (using TLS model), for all macromolecular atoms. You may try to do so for water as well, but I would try both and see which gives more reasonable Rwork, Rfree and Rfree-Rwork; - Riding H atoms should be included as well; - As a final step, you may want to run the refinement with "optimize_wxc=true optimize_wxu=true" which may take a while to run, but will optimize relative X-ray/Restraints weights.
However I have some slight doubts one region in my ligand. What would be the best map, less biased, to look at this "very late" stage of the refinement. Are composite or systematic SA omit map useful options at this stage ?
As a possible and easy to do option you can use Average Kick Maps, which we recently implemented in PHENIX. For details, here is the reference: Acta Cryst. (2009). D65, 921-931. "Averaged kick maps: less noise, more signal...and probably less bias". I just noticed Tom's reply, but since I went this far, I will continue and send my version of the reply as well... In summary, the idea is: An average kick map (AK map) is computed as following (Gunc(ar et al., 2000; Turk, 2007; Pranikar et al., 2009): a large ensemble of structures (several hundreds) is created where the coordinates of each structure from the ensemble are all randomly shaken. The shake amount (rmsd distortion introduced to coordinates) varies from 0 to 1.0 Å. Then for each structure a map is computed ((mFobs-DFmodel)exp(i?model) or (2mFobs-DFmodel)exp(i?model) or any other map, for example a ligand-omit map). Finally, all maps are averaged out to produce one averaged kick map. An AK map is expected to have less or no bias, less noise, enhance existing signal and potentially can clear up some initially bad densities. So, to compute it, omit the ligand from your structure and follow the example in Tom's email. Pavel.

Hi, If I use the simple command phenix.refine data.mtz model.pdb what strategy is used by default? When do I need to specify strategy? When is TLS beneficial? I have 90% of residues with very good density, but about 10% (C-terminal helix+ loop) with very poor density. What would be the best strategy for the poor region? Maia

Hi Maia,
If I use the simple command phenix.refine data.mtz model.pdb
what strategy is used by default?
quoting phenix.refine manual: http://phenix-online.org/documentation/refinement.htm#anch14 "phenix.refine data.hkl model.pdb This will perform coordinate refinement and restrained ADP refinement. Three macrocycles will be executed, each consisting of bulk solvent correction, anisotropic scaling of the data, coordinate refinement (25 iterations of the LBFGS minimizer) and ADP refinement (25 iterations of the LBFGS minimizer). At the end the updated coordinates, maps, map coefficients, and statistics are written to files. " One more remark: if your input ADPs are anisotropic, then they will refined as individual anisotropic (if resolution is high enough), if they are isotropic, then they will be refined as isotropic.
When do I need to specify strategy?
You need to use it when you need to change the default protocol in order to fit better your particular situation. For example: if you need to inclcude TLS or rigid-body refinement, if resolution is low enough and you need to switch from refinement of individual isotropic ADPs to group B, etc - the list is long.
When is TLS beneficial?
Always. See slides #30-#36 here: http://phenix-online.org/presentations/neutron_japan_2009/phenix_japan_part1...
I have 90% of residues with very good density, but about 10% (C-terminal helix+ loop) with very poor density. What would be the best strategy for the poor region?
It's hard to say without specifically looking at it... Pavel.
participants (3)
Maia Cherney
Pascal Egea
Pavel Afonine