Fw: AsCA 2018 / CRYSTAL 32: Early bird Closing

?? [https://az659834.vo.msecnd.net/eventsairseasiaprod/production-uoaevents-publ...] Dear Colleagues, Early bird closing 2 October 2018 A friendly reminder that early bird rates to attend the AsCA 2018/CRYSTAL 32 conference will finish on 2 October 2018. Register today using (http://asca2018.org/registration/) to secure the discounted rate. The conference will run from 2-5 December 2018. Keep up-to-date with our conference programmehttp://asca2018.org/programme/, outstanding lineup of workshopshttp://asca2018.org/workshops/, and speakershttp://asca2018.org/speakers/. Don't forget to get in early and book your accommodationhttp://asca2018.org/accommodation/ too! We look forward to meeting you in Auckland. Kind regards, Dr. Christopher Squire (University of Auckland), Professor Ted Baker (University of Auckland), Professor Kurt Krause (University of Otago) and the AsCA 2018/CRYSTAL 32 Committee http://asca2018.org/ [https://az659834.vo.msecnd.net/eventsairseasiaprod/production-uoaevents-publ...]
participants (1)
Christopher Squire