Can anyone explain what the weight_selection_criteria parameters (see below)? How do they interact with other weights. Are they still used if I set optimize_xyz_weight=TRUE? I'm using dev-1616. target_weights optimize_xyz_weight= False optimize_adp_weight= False wxc_scale= 0.5 wxu_scale= 1.0 wc= 1.0 wu= 1.0 fix_wxc= None fix_wxu= None shake_sites= True shake_adp= 10.0 regularize_ncycles= 50 verbose= 1 wnc_scale= 0.5 wnu_scale= 1.0 rmsd_cutoff_for_gradient_filtering= 3.0 force_optimize_weights= False weight_selection_criteria bonds_rmsd= None angles_rmsd= None r_free_minus_r_work= None r_free_range_width= None mean_diff_b_iso_bonded_fraction= None min_diff_b_iso_bonded= None Thanks, Mark _________________________________ Mark A. Saper, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan c/o Biophysics, Chem 3040 930 N University Ave Ann Arbor MI 48109-1055 U.S.A. [email protected] phone (734) 764-3353 fax (734) 764-3323
participants (1)
Mark A Saper