[ phenix 1.4r3 cctbx tag: 2008_12_07_1353 intel-linux-2.6 redhat-e4.7 ] i obtained a recent .cif from the PDB, then run : phenix.reflection_file_converter --mtz=output.mtz test.cif file_name: test.cif file_type: None No reflection data found in input file. .... not sure where to go from here (a clip of the file is below, hope not too much) - i know i can run ccp4:cif2mtz, but are .cif part of phenix.reflection_file_converter? -bryan (sample of test.cif): data_testsf # _diffrn_radiation.id 1 _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_wavelength 1.00600 # _audit.revision_id 1_0 _audit.creation_date 2009-07-07 _audit.update_record 'Initial release' # _symmetry.Int_Tables_number 1 _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M 'P 1' # _cell.length_a 79.6610 _cell.length_b 104.1490 _cell.length_c 154.0250 _cell.angle_alpha 81.9570 _cell.angle_beta 75.9250 _cell.angle_gamma 73.7280 # _reflns.d_resolution_high 2.967 _reflns.d_resolution_low 46.392 _reflns.limit_h_max 26 _reflns.limit_h_min -25 _reflns.limit_k_max 34 _reflns.limit_k_min -34 _reflns.limit_l_max 51 _reflns.limit_l_min 0 _reflns.number_all 93210 _reflns.number_obs 85990 # loop_ _symmetry_equiv.id _symmetry_equiv.pos_as_xyz 1 'X, Y, Z' # loop_ _refln.crystal_id _refln.wavelength_id _refln.scale_group_code _refln.status _refln.index_h _refln.index_k _refln.index_l _refln.F_meas_au _refln.F_meas_sigma_au 1 1 1 o -25 -16 1 218.4 77.9 1 1 1 o -25 -15 1 250.7 87.9 1 1 1 o -25 -15 2 217.9 78.8 (... etc... here is a free set hkl :) 1 1 1 f -25 -7 3 315.6 89.7 (... etc... until the end :) #END OF REFLECTIONS

Hi Bryan, there is a specific tool to do this Just type in the command line: phenix.cif_as_mtz and hit Enter. This will give you the instructions about how to use it. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems using it. Pavel. On 9/3/09 11:06 AM, Bryan W. Lepore wrote:
[ phenix 1.4r3 cctbx tag: 2008_12_07_1353 intel-linux-2.6 redhat-e4.7 ]
i obtained a recent .cif from the PDB, then run :
phenix.reflection_file_converter --mtz=output.mtz test.cif
file_name: test.cif file_type: None
No reflection data found in input file.
.... not sure where to go from here (a clip of the file is below, hope not too much) - i know i can run ccp4:cif2mtz, but are .cif part of phenix.reflection_file_converter?
(sample of test.cif):
# _diffrn_radiation.id 1 _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_wavelength 1.00600 # _audit.revision_id 1_0 _audit.creation_date 2009-07-07 _audit.update_record 'Initial release' # _symmetry.Int_Tables_number 1 _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M 'P 1' # _cell.length_a 79.6610 _cell.length_b 104.1490 _cell.length_c 154.0250 _cell.angle_alpha 81.9570 _cell.angle_beta 75.9250 _cell.angle_gamma 73.7280 # _reflns.d_resolution_high 2.967 _reflns.d_resolution_low 46.392 _reflns.limit_h_max 26 _reflns.limit_h_min -25 _reflns.limit_k_max 34 _reflns.limit_k_min -34 _reflns.limit_l_max 51 _reflns.limit_l_min 0 _reflns.number_all 93210 _reflns.number_obs 85990 # loop_ _symmetry_equiv.id _symmetry_equiv.pos_as_xyz 1 'X, Y, Z' # loop_ _refln.crystal_id _refln.wavelength_id _refln.scale_group_code _refln.status _refln.index_h _refln.index_k _refln.index_l _refln.F_meas_au _refln.F_meas_sigma_au 1 1 1 o -25 -16 1 218.4 77.9 1 1 1 o -25 -15 1 250.7 87.9 1 1 1 o -25 -15 2 217.9 78.8 (... etc... here is a free set hkl :) 1 1 1 f -25 -7 3 315.6 89.7 (... etc... until the end :) #END OF REFLECTIONS
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participants (2)
Bryan W. Lepore
Pavel Afonine