Dear all, I am trying to run phenix on a IBM X-31 laptop (1.3G CPU, 256M memory, redhat Fedora Core 3 operation system). But every time it ceased midway. So, can somebody tell me the system requirement to run Phenix? or is any other software required to run Phenix? Zhongli

Hi, you don't say how it fails or what you are trying to run. However, I expect that the problem is the small amount of memory in your laptop. To run things like automated model building, MR, refinement, you will need more than 512MB memory. Cheers, Paul ??? wrote:
Dear all,
I am trying to run phenix on a IBM X-31 laptop (1.3G CPU, 256M memory, redhat Fedora Core 3 operation system). But every time it ceased midway. So, can somebody tell me the system requirement to run Phenix? or is any other software required to run Phenix?
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-- ========================================================== | Paul Adams | | Senior Staff Scientist, Physical Biosciences Division | | Head, Berkeley Center for Structural Biology | | Deputy PI, Berkeley Structural Genomics Center | |--------------------------------------------------------| | Building 64, Room 248 | Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, | | Tel: 510-486-4225 | 1 Cyclotron Road, | | FAX: 510-486-5909 | BLDG 64R0121, | | mailto:[email protected] | Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. | ==========================================================
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Paul Adams