Young scientist travel awards for Intl Conf. on Structural Genomics 2015 "Deep Sequencing Meets Structural Biology"

2-Feb-2015 Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the availability of young scientist travel fellowships to the International Conference on Structural Genomics 2015 "Deep Sequencing Meets Structural Biology", which will be held on the campus of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel June 7-11, 2015. This conference is intended to foster international collaboration and to provide an overview for the most recent developments in Structural Biology and Structural Genomics and future impacts on biology, medicine and disease. Web site: Poster: There are two types of young scientist travel support available (deadlines are both March 31, 2015): Young scientist travel support of up to $1,000 US will be made available to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to attend ICSG2015. A total of 5 International Structural Genomics Organization (ISGO) - NIH Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) Student Travel Fellowships have kindly been provided by the ISGO and the NIH PSI. Fellowships of €500 for students from Instruct countries will be awarded to attend the pre-conference workshop “Technical and Analytical Approaches to the Translation of Deep Sequencing Data into Three-Dimensions” (7-June-2014 09:00-12:00) and to stay on and participate in the full conference. A total of 8 Fellowships have kindly been provided by Instruct ( To apply for a student travel fellowship please see . The International Conference on Structural Genomics 2015 "Deep Sequencing Meets Structural Biology” conference The scientific topics to be covered in ICSG 2015 (see include: · Deep sequencing for modeling and refinement of macromolecular structures · Membrane protein structure and function using complementary methods · Technological advances in XFEL, Cryo-EM, NMR, SAXS, MS, MX and macromolecular complexes · Combining low and high resolution data and modeling for structural biology · Synergistic use of 3D structures and deep sequencing to realize personalized medicine · Protein design and deep sequencing · Cancer, antibiotic resistance and drug discovery In order to widen the opportunities for younger researchers, we have organized satellite workshops before ICSG 2015 (during the day on June 7, 2015). These include: · Cryo-EM developments for structural biology [Sponsored by FEI] · Approaches to the translation of deep sequencing data into three-dimensions [Sponsored by Instruct] · PHENIX: Automated determination of molecular structures [Tom Terwilliger & Pavel Afonine] · HKL3000: From X-ray diffraction images to structure determination in minutes [Wladek Minor] · Protein expression and characterization workshop [Tamar Unger & Yoav Peleg] · Proteopedia: A Scientific Wiki Bridging the Rift Between 3D Structure & Function [Jaime Prilusky & Joel L. Sussman] Five oral presentations will be chosen from the posters, and six poster prizes will be awarded, so be sure to submit your abstracts by April 15, 2015! Speakers include: Arie Admon (Haifa) Lucia Banci (Florence) Pamela J. Bjorkman (Pasadena) Samir K. Brahmachari (Delhi) Susan Buchanan (Bethesda) Martin Caffrey (Dublin) Mark Gerstein (New Haven) Wayne Hendrickson (New York) Yvonne Jones (Oxford) Roger Kornberg (Stanford) Luhua Lai (Beijing) Michael Levitt (Stanford) Michal Linial (Jerusalem) Abraham Minsky (Rehovot) John Moult (Rockville) Nathan Nelson (Tel Aviv) Stefan Raunser (Dortmund) Monica Roth (Piscataway) Dinakar M. Salunke (Gurgaon) Eran Segal (Rehovot) Philip Selenko (Berlin) Sachdev Sidhu (Toronto) Rotem Sorek (Rehovot) Jan Steyaert (Brussels) Shamil Sunyaev (Boston) Dan Tawfik (Rehovot) Janet Thornton (Hinxton) The FEBS National Lecturer Gunnar von Heijne (Stockholm) Soichi Wakatsuki (Stanford) Shigeyuki Yokoyama (Yokohama) Ada Yonath (Rehovot) Mingjie Zhang (Hong Kong) We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Weizmann Institute in the June of 2015! Sincerely yours, ICSG 2015 Local Organizing Committee Joel L. Sussman, Gideon Schreiber, Tamar Unger and Israel Silman, Weizmann Institute ICSG 2015 International Organizing Committee Cheryl Arrowsmith, (Structural Genomics Consortium, Toronto) Lucia Banci, (University of Florence, Florence) Jacqui Beckmann, (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne) Mark Gerstein, (Yale University, New Haven) Yvonne Jones, (University of Oxford, Oxford) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Joel L. Sussman Department of Structural Biology tel: +972 (8) 934 4531 Weizmann Institute of Science fax: +972 (8) 934 6312 www.proteopedia.org Rehovot 76100 ISRAEL -------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Terwilliger, Thomas Charles