Refmac error using PDB coordinates generated by Phenix PDB File Editor

Hi Phenixbb members, I'm using Phenix PDB File Editor under Phenix GUI "Model Tool" to change occupancy of two short 7 polyalanine alpha helix peptide chain (chain I and K, placed in reverse orientation of each other in one region (or density blob) of my model, each chain half occupancy) , I can change the occupancy very easily with the tool, but I have two types of errors using the coordinates generated by the tool in Refmac. 1. If I set chain ID of chain K to chain I with the same residue number with half occupancy but in reverse order (Chain I, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy and Chain I, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy) , Refmac could not refine the model with an error message below: I am reading library. Please wait. mon_lib.cif ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "N ". chain: II residue: 7 ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "CA ". chain: II residue: 7 ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "CB ". chain: II residue: 7 ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "C ". chain: II residue: 7 ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "O ". chain: II residue: 7 IERR = 1 There is an error. See above ===> Error: Fatal error. Cannot continue. I understand Refmac can not allow two peptide chain with the same ID and residue number if both peptides are full occupancy (1), but why in this case even half occupancy of the same chain ID and residue number is not tolerated? 2. If I set chain ID of chain K and chain I half occupancy (Chain K, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy and chain I, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy) , put chain K and chain I in the same density blob with reverse direction, and run Refmac, this time Refmac can finish but gave me error message in log file as below: I am reading library. Please wait. mon_lib.cif INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.486 ideal_dist= 1.240 ch:II res: 7 ALA at:N .->ch:KK res: 11 ALA at:O . INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.625 ideal_dist= 1.080 ch:II res: 8 ALA at:O .->ch:KK res: 9 ALA at:O . INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.584 ideal_dist= 1.400 ch:II res: 10 ALA at:N .->ch:KK res: 11 ALA at:N . INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.397 ideal_dist= 1.530 ch:II res: 10 ALA at:CB .->ch:KK res: 11 ALA at:CB . INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.153 ideal_dist= 1.400 ch:II res: 11 ALA at:N .->ch:KK res: 10 ALA at:N . INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.820 ideal_dist= 1.524 ch:II res: 11 ALA at:CA .->ch:KK res: 10 ALA at:CB . INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 0.888 ideal_dist= 1.530 ch:II res: 11 ALA at:CB .->ch:KK res: 10 ALA at:CB . INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.808 ideal_dist= 1.530 ch:II res: 12 ALA at:CB .->ch:KK res: 9 ALA at:CB . INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.764 ideal_dist= 1.400 ch:II res: 13 ALA at:N .->ch:KK res: 7 ALA at:N . -------------------------------- I do not know why Refmac gave me this message, is it because the two helix chain (I and K) are placed in the same region, even though both with 0.5 occupancy of both chain, Refmac still automatically tries to connect the main chain atom between two different chains (I and K) because main chain atoms are placed too close to each other (Refmac think there is a link between them?) ? 3. In summary, should I use Phenix Refine instead of Refmac to handle the pdb coordinates generated by Phenix PDB file editor because Phenix Refine may have better compatibility? Thanks in advance.

Hi Xiao Lei,
(1) I assume that Refmac does not allow same ID, residue number and atom
name, regardless of occupancy (I am just guessing from the output).
Usually, alternate conformations require an alternate location indicator
(column 17 in the pdb file). As far as I understand your description and
the log, there are no altloc IDs in your input file. So the program does
not understand that it is meant as alternate conformation.
Did you get a similar error message when you used the files before
modification with phenix tools, i.e. did Refmac also show an error before
you changed the occupancy?
If the error only occurred with phenix modified file, could you please send
the pdb files before and after modification, so we can check why the file
produces an error? Please send the files off-list (answer only to me), they
will be of course treated confidentially.
(2) It looks like it is as you said: Refmac lists possible links because
some atoms are close together. But according to the output, they were not
used and possibly did not have any effect on your refinement - but
difficult to say without seeing the result.
(3) If you want to use phenix.refine, please have a look at the
Computational Crystallography Newsletter article about occupancy
refinement. Your case might be in there:
Best wishes,
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Xiao Lei
Hi Phenixbb members,
I'm using Phenix PDB File Editor under Phenix GUI "Model Tool" to change occupancy of two short 7 polyalanine alpha helix peptide chain (chain I and K, placed in reverse orientation of each other in one region (or density blob) of my model, each chain half occupancy) , I can change the occupancy very easily with the tool, but I have two types of errors using the coordinates generated by the tool in Refmac.
1. If I set chain ID of chain K to chain I with the same residue number with half occupancy but in reverse order (Chain I, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy and Chain I, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy) , Refmac could not refine the model with an error message below: I am reading library. Please wait. mon_lib.cif ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "N ". chain: II residue: 7 ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "CA ". chain: II residue: 7 ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "CB ". chain: II residue: 7 ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "C ". chain: II residue: 7 ERROR : ALA : duplicated atom_name : "O ". chain: II residue: 7 IERR = 1
There is an error. See above ===> Error: Fatal error. Cannot continue.
I understand Refmac can not allow two peptide chain with the same ID and residue number if both peptides are full occupancy (1), but why in this case even half occupancy of the same chain ID and residue number is not tolerated?
2. If I set chain ID of chain K and chain I half occupancy (Chain K, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy and chain I, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy) , put chain K and chain I in the same density blob with reverse direction, and run Refmac, this time Refmac can finish but gave me error message in log file as below: I am reading library. Please wait.
INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.486 ideal_dist= 1.240
ch:II res: 7 ALA at:N .->ch:KK res: 11 ALA at:O .
INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.625 ideal_dist= 1.080
ch:II res: 8 ALA at:O .->ch:KK res: 9 ALA at:O .
INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.584 ideal_dist= 1.400
ch:II res: 10 ALA at:N .->ch:KK res: 11 ALA at:N .
INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.397 ideal_dist= 1.530
ch:II res: 10 ALA at:CB .->ch:KK res: 11 ALA at:CB .
INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.153 ideal_dist= 1.400
ch:II res: 11 ALA at:N .->ch:KK res: 10 ALA at:N .
INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.820 ideal_dist= 1.524
ch:II res: 11 ALA at:CA .->ch:KK res: 10 ALA at:CB .
INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 0.888 ideal_dist= 1.530
ch:II res: 11 ALA at:CB .->ch:KK res: 10 ALA at:CB .
INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.808 ideal_dist= 1.530
ch:II res: 12 ALA at:CB .->ch:KK res: 9 ALA at:CB .
INFO: link is found (not be used) dist= 1.764 ideal_dist= 1.400
ch:II res: 13 ALA at:N .->ch:KK res: 7 ALA at:N .
-------------------------------- I do not know why Refmac gave me this message, is it because the two helix chain (I and K) are placed in the same region, even though both with 0.5 occupancy of both chain, Refmac still automatically tries to connect the main chain atom between two different chains (I and K) because main chain atoms are placed too close to each other (Refmac think there is a link between them?) ?
3. In summary, should I use Phenix Refine instead of Refmac to handle the pdb coordinates generated by Phenix PDB file editor because Phenix Refine may have better compatibility?
Thanks in advance.
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Hi Dorothee, Thank you very much for the information! After I use PDB editor to set atloc, give chain I atloc to "P" and give chain K atloc to "Q" both Phenix Refine and Refmac goes normally. To my surprise, even I force chain K to be chain I with the same residue number and name, as long as I set atloc to P for Chain I, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy and atloc to Q for Chain I, Ala7th--13th 0.5 occupancy, the Phenix Refine and Refmac goes normally. So the key here is to set atloc with PDB editor. Is there any difference between using the same chain ID (Chain I, atloc P and Q, half occupancy) or using the different chain ID (Chain I, atloc P, half occupancy and then Chain K, atloc Q, half occupancy)?

Is there any difference between using the same chain ID (Chain I, atloc P and Q, half occupancy) or using the different chain ID (Chain I, atloc P, half occupancy and then Chain K, atloc Q, half occupancy)?
This is addressed in the documentation: as well as here: "13 typical occupancy refinement scenarios and available options in phenix.refine" Pavel

Thanks a lot! I found my situation in the letter you wrote:
4. Overlapping chains: It may happen that stretches of two or more chains
overlap in space such that when one is present the other one isn’t . This
situation is not recognized automatically by phenix.refine but can be dealt
with successfully. This requires two actions. Firstly, overlapping atoms of
both chains need to be assigned different altloc ; this will ensure that
these atoms will not be pushed apart by non-‐bonded repulsion. Secondly,
one needs to compose a parameter file telling phenix.refine what
occupancies need to be coupled; this will override any default behavior
applicable to these groups of atoms.
But I feel I do not need to compose a parameter file telling phenix.refine
what occupancies need to be couples as in your letter. I just edit it by
Phenix PDB Editor set two chains with different ID and set Atloc for each
chain, then set 0.5 occupancy for each chain and run Phenix.Refine, it
seems Phenix.Refine can handle it well and not asking me to provide a
parameter file about occupancies.
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Pavel Afonine
Is there any difference between using the same chain ID (Chain I, atloc P and Q, half occupancy) or using the different chain ID (Chain I, atloc P, half occupancy and then Chain K, atloc Q, half occupancy)?
This is addressed in the documentation:
as well as here:
"13 typical occupancy refinement scenarios and available options in phenix.refine"

If PDB formatting for alternative conformations or/and values of occupancies obey some documented rules then as you say you may not need to cast any parameters or compose any parameter files, this is correct! Pavel On 4/29/16 19:57, Xiao Lei wrote:
Thanks a lot! I found my situation in the letter you wrote: 4. Overlapping chains: It may happen that stretches of two or more chains overlap in space such that when one is present the other one isn’t . This situation is not recognized automatically by phenix.refine but can be dealt with successfully. This requires two actions. Firstly, overlapping atoms of both chains need to be assigned different altloc ; this will ensure that these atoms will not be pushed apart by non-‐bonded repulsion. Secondly, one needs to compose a parameter file telling phenix.refine what occupancies need to be coupled; this will override any default behavior applicable to these groups of atoms.
But I feel I do not need to compose a parameter file telling phenix.refine what occupancies need to be couples as in your letter. I just edit it by Phenix PDB Editor set two chains with different ID and set Atloc for each chain, then set 0.5 occupancy for each chain and run Phenix.Refine, it seems Phenix.Refine can handle it well and not asking me to provide a parameter file about occupancies.
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Pavel Afonine
mailto:[email protected]> wrote: Is there any difference between using the same chain ID (Chain I, atloc P and Q, half occupancy) or using the different chain ID (Chain I, atloc P, half occupancy and then Chain K, atloc Q, half occupancy)?
This is addressed in the documentation:
as well as here:
"13 typical occupancy refinement scenarios and available options in phenix.refine"
participants (3)
Dorothee Liebschner
Pavel Afonine
Xiao Lei