Hi, I am trying to make an SA-omit Fo-Fc map for a sugar ligand (chain B) bound to protein (structure solved by MR), without doing any rebuilding of protein or ligand – just calculate an Fo-Fc map that I can load into PyMol. So far I used the AutoBuild – Create omit map module with these settings : - input files : model (protein+ligand+waters), data (.mtz), restraints for sugar ligand (.cif) - omit map type : simulated annealing - omit region : omit selection - omit map options : keep input waters, omit chain list : omit_chain_list chainB However, the ligand gets modified even though I use “omit_chain_list chainB”. What are the parameters to set to keep the model (protein, ligand, waters) from being rebuilt ? Furthermore, what is the procedure to load the SA Fo-Fc omit map into pymol ? Phenix version is 1.6.4-486. Thanks in advance, Tjaard Ing. Tjaard Pijning Research Assistant Protein Crystallography Group Nijenborgh 7 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands (31)(0)50 363 43 85

Hi Tjaard, I am guessing that the specification of the chain as "chain B" rather than as "B" might be the problem, but I am not certain of that. In this particular case...it may be a lot easier to simply remove the ligand from your structure and run SA refinement, then look at the resulting map. All the best, Tom T
I am trying to make an SA-omit Fo-Fc map for a sugar ligand (chain B) bound to protein (structure solved by MR), without doing any rebuilding of protein or ligand just calculate an Fo-Fc map that I can load into PyMol. So far I used the AutoBuild Create omit map module with these settings :
- input files : model (protein+ligand+waters), data (.mtz), restraints for sugar ligand (.cif) - omit map type : simulated annealing - omit region : omit selection - omit map options : keep input waters, omit chain list : omit_chain_list chainB
However, the ligand gets modified even though I use omit_chain_list chainB. What are the parameters to set to keep the model (protein, ligand, waters) from being rebuilt ?
Furthermore, what is the procedure to load the SA Fo-Fc omit map into pymol ?
Phenix version is 1.6.4-486.
Thanks in advance, Tjaard Ing. Tjaard Pijning Research Assistant
Protein Crystallography Group Nijenborgh 7 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands (31)(0)50 363 43 85
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On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 6:36 AM, Thomas C. Terwilliger wrote: I am guessing that the specification of the chain as "chain B" rather than
as "B" might be the problem, but I am not certain of that. That's half of the problem - based on viewing the original email with screen
captures (which the list server rejected), the other problem is that the
full parameter input was this:
omit_chain_list chainB
I suspect there's some confusion with the command-line documentation. You
don't need to include the parameter name in the GUI, just the actual value,
chain B
(without quotes)
But I agree with Tom, running phenix.refine on a modified PDB file will be
easier. I think Pavel plans to introduce an even easier way to do this in
phenix.maps at some point in the future.
participants (4)
Nathaniel Echols
Pavel Afonine
Thomas C. Terwilliger
Tjaard Pijning