Workshop announcement @ Inst Pasteur Montevideo - Uruguay : Modern Approaches in Drug Discovery for Neglected Infectious Diseases

Dear Colleagues: We are pleased to announce the Workshop: "Modern Approaches in Drug Discovery for Neglected Infectious Diseases" at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Uruguay). *Dates:* November 3rd - 8th, 2014 *Venue**: *Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Montevideo, Uruguay) *Invited speakers:* Wim Hol (University of Washington, Seattle, USA), Paul Michels (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK), Celerino Abad-Zapatero (University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA), Hugo Cerecetto (UdelaR), Marcelo Comini (IP Montevideo), Sergio Pantano (IP Montevideo), Alejandro Buschiazzo (IP Montevideo)* * *Aim:* The general aim of this International Workshop is to train students in state-of-the-art approaches for drug discovery and rational design, with special emphasis on target-based methods. The course will provide with a multidisciplinary view, with invited professors covering a diverse set of subjects : protein crystallography, in silico methods for molecular simulations, medicinal chemistry and biology of neglected infectious diseases.** For details of the activity please see the preliminary program. The course will be in English. This activity is supported by the /Center for Structural Biology of the MERCOSUR /(CeBEM, jointly with the /United Nations University Biotechnology Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean/ (UNU - BIOLAC * **Applicants:* Graduate students and young research scientists are encouraged to apply. 24 students will be selected among the applications. The Course will provide financial support for the students, covering registration fees, and for the case of those coming from abroad, all local expenses (lodging, per diem and local transportation). /* The application deadline is September 8th, 2014. The results will be announced by September 30th.*/ The application form, activity program, contact information and other details can be found at the web site of the course Please address further inquiries [email protected] mailto:[email protected] Looking forward to welcoming you in Montevideo! -- Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD Research Scientist Unit of Protein Crystallography Institut Pasteur de Montevideo Mataojo 2020 Montevideo 11400 URUGUAY Phone: +598 25220910 int. 120 Fax: +598 25224185
participants (1)
Alejandro Buschiazzo