Re: [phenixbb] "FOM" or HL coeffs from model?
How can I get phenix to spit out not just PhiModel but an estimated FOM or fake HL coefficients (without experimental phases - just based on how badly my model agrees with FOBS)? And I'd like the weights in their own personal mtz column(s), not just precombined in a "weighte d phi" column.<
can sigmaa do that for you from Fcalc (vector) and Fo (magnitude)? Fred [32m******************************************************************************* Fred Dyda, Ph.D. Phone:301-402-4496 Laboratory of Molecular Biology Fax: 301-496-0201 DHHS/NIH/NIDDK e-mail:[email protected] Bldg. 5. Room 303 Bethesda, MD 20892-0560 URGENT message e-mail: [email protected] Google maps coords: 39.000597, -77.102102 *******************************************************************************[m
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