phenix.elbow with Gamess, no cif restraint file

Hi All, I'm clearly doing something wrong, but don't know what. Trying to run elbow with Gamess from the command line for "myligand" but no .cif file is produced. The input is a pdb file of the ligand, this the best I have. The command line: phenix.elbow --all-residues --do-all --gamess --basis=3D"3-21G" myligand.pdb > elbow.out & Everything seems to be OK, Gamess is found and run:
more elbow.out
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ electronic Ligand Builder & Optimisation Workbench (eLBOW) 1.10.1-2155 None - Nigel W. Moriarty ([email protected]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Random number seed: 3628800 Initial processing time : 0.01 seconds 0:00 Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing Parsing P Input format is PDB MoleculeClass : C:15 O: 6 Cr: 1 (PDB format) 22 atoms 0 bonds 0 angles 0 dihedrals 0 rings 0 chirals Predicted memory usage by semi-empirical method : 41Mb Timing estimates Python portion / ATP : 62% c++ optimisation cycle / ATP : 47% Hydrogens may be required to determine the correct bonding Residue has metal at the centre of a coordination sphere. Using input geometry to generate restraints. Hydrogens may not be added. 0:10 Hydrogenise Hydrogenise Hydrogenise Hydrogenise Hydrogenise Hydrogenise H 1:49 ReCentre molecule for optimisation ReCentre molecule for optimisation ReC Optimisation software : GAMESS Quantum method : UHF Quantum basis set : 3-21G Opt steps : 60 Opt macro steps : 3 Searching for flowchart file: searching: /usr/local/apps/Phenix/1.10.1-2155/phenix-1.10.1-2155/modules/elbow ****************************************************************************** filename : /usr/local/apps/Phenix/1.10.1-2155/phenix-1.10.1-2155/modules/elbow/ FOUND ****************************************************************************** searching: /usr/local/apps/Phenix/1.10.1-2155/phenix-1.10.1-2155 searching: /home/dyda/.elbow searching: /home/dyda searching: /spin1/users/dyda/myligand Machine has 24018 Mb total memory 14687 Mb free memory Setting 1000 Mb max memory usage Searching for template run file: GAMESS.csh searching: /spin1/users/dyda/myligand ****************************************************************************** filename : /spin1/users/dyda/myligand/GAMESS.csh FOUND ****************************************************************************** Using /spin1/users/dyda/myligand/GAMESS.csh as input run file template all .inp, .dat, .gam files are produced, no errors, but no cif file. Thanks. Fred [32m******************************************************************************* Fred Dyda, Ph.D. Phone:301-402-4496 Laboratory of Molecular Biology Fax: 301-496-0201 DHHS/NIH/NIDDK e-mail:[email protected] Bldg. 5. Room 303 Bethesda, MD 20892-0560 URGENT message e-mail: [email protected] Google maps coords: 39.000597, -77.102102 *******************************************************************************[m
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