Re: [phenixbb] Phenix building residues not found in input sequence file

Hi Allan, I assume that there is density showing protein in the region where autobuild is building these extra that right? If so...then is the remainder of the model matched very well to sequence (i.e., is more or less what you expected to see found, plus there is extra density?) It could be that there is really something in the crystal that you didn't expect. It could also be that part of the structure is not (or not correctly) assigned to sequence, so that this part of the structure really does go with part of your sequence. Does that help? It would be interesting to hear more details of this. All the best, Tom T
Hi everyone,
Apparently my Phenix (1.6.3-473) is building in extra residues in the C-terminal region, which is not found in my input sequence file.
It's trying to build a model which is longer than I expected. Phenix building 87 extra amino acids. Any clue what's wrong?
I made sure that these amino acids are not residues found in the N-terminal region or anywhere else in the protein.
-- Allan Pang
PhD Student
G35 Joseph Priestley Building Queen Mary University of London London E1 4NS
Phone number: 02078828480
participants (1)
Thomas C. Terwilliger