using phenix 1.3b of 21-10-2007, trying `phenix.autobuild after_autosol` : how does one identify the "highest-numbered AutoSol run", and that it is completed? what does `phenix.autobuild` want for such a solution e.g. in terms of files/directories? or does `phenix.autobuild after_autosol` need to be included in the command at the time when `phenix.autosol` is submitted? phenix.autobuild reads a lot of params from my AutoSol dir, but apparently no solutions -- even though `phenix.autosol show_runs` shows one. -bryan

Hi Brian,
using phenix 1.3b of 21-10-2007, trying `phenix.autobuild after_autosol` :
how does one identify the "highest-numbered AutoSol run", and that it is completed?
As you say below, phenix.autosol show_runs will tell you all the runs, with the highest-numbered one last.
what does `phenix.autobuild` want for such a solution e.g. in terms of files/directories?
It wants the directory PDS/ and the directory AutoSol_run_xx_/ and any original files that were used (not usually necessary).
or does `phenix.autobuild after_autosol` need to be included in the command at the time when `phenix.autosol` is submitted?
No, later is fine.
phenix.autobuild reads a lot of params from my AutoSol dir, but apparently no solutions -- even though `phenix.autosol show_runs` shows one.
I was with you until here...this does surprise me. Did the autosol run finish completely? The show_runs command should list one like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Run 1 AutoSol Mon Dec 17 11:34:52 2007 STEP: finished Top solution: # 6 Dataset #1 Score: 36.12 FOM: 0.49 Built: 75 Side-chains: 60 Chains: 2 CC: 0.72 Sites: 2 Score type: CC RFACTOR SKEW FOM Raw scores: 0.48 0.53 0.28 0.60 Z-scores: 7.51 8.07 8.54 12.00 Then I type: phenix.autobuild after_autosol and I get AutoBuild_run_2_/AutoBuild_run_2_1.log (run 2 because I did already run autobuild here): ************************************************************ PHENIX AutoBuild Tue Dec 18 18:18:00 2007 ************************************************************ PHENIX VERSION: 1.3b of 21-10-2007 Working directory: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/terwill/from_firebird/PHENIX/structure_lib_tests/MAD/gene-5/run_121707/AutoBuild_run_2_ AutoBuild_start AutoBuild Run 2 Tue Dec 18 18:18:00 2007 Appending solution 23.7740809577 1 23.7740809577 None solve_1.mtz Appending solution 4066.36197596 2 36.1975957602 exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags_2.mtz solve_2.mtz Appending solution 32.3199650706 3 32.3199650706 None solve_3.mtz Appending solution 32.3194077661 4 32.3194077661 None solve_4.mtz Appending solution 32.4341792989 5 32.4341792989 None solve_5.mtz Appending solution 4072.36124156 6 36.1241559936 exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags_6.mtz solve_6.mtz Best solution 4072.36124156 6 36.1241559936 exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags_6.mtz solve_6.mtz AutoSol_run_1_ ..etc... All the best, Tom T
participants (2)
Bryan W. Lepore
Thomas C. Terwilliger