phenix.refine + metal ions

George Phillips wrote:
I second Maia's 'request' to get proper scattering factors into Phenix for metal ions! Metallobiochemists need love, too.
Dear Metalimolbocheists, Available in phenix build 1.6.1-343 or higher. Example: HETATM 711 ZN ZN A1400 -1.928 -11.394 -27.827 1.00 17.21 ZN2+ ^^ Put the charge here To be sure it works, in the phenix.refine output, look for: Number of scattering types: 6 Type Number sf(0) Zn2+ 2 28.00 <<<<<< HERE S 13 16.00 Na 2 11.00 O 240 8.00 N 113 7.00 C 442 6.00 sf(0) = scattering factor at diffraction angle 0. Note: phenix.refine does not infer the charge from the atom name. It has to appear in the PDB charge columns 79-80 as shown above. Ralf
participants (1)
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve