Postdoc positions at Arizona State Uni: algorithm development for XFEL data

*Open positions: 2 Postdoc positions in XFEL Biophysics at Arizona State University.* Full details & how to apply: ** We are applicants for 2 postdoctoral researcher positions for the development of algorithms for biological X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) data, both in crystallography and solution scattering. The successful applicants will become part of an interdisciplinary team at ASU working on solving important biological questions using XFELs. This is a two-year Postdoctoral appointment with the possibility of extension to a maximum of three years. *Objectives* The objective of these postdoctoral researcher positions is to develop algorithms for improving data accuracy in SFX through modeling and optimization, develop novel phasing methods which exploit the full spatial coherence of the XFEL for 2D and 3D nanocrystals, and/or develop structure-determination methods that can be applied to samples that cannot be crystallized, through XFEL fast solution scattering. *Essential Functions of the position:* - Develop improved algorithms and software for analyzing biological XFEL data (static and time-resolved crystallographic or solution scattering data). - Analyze and present results at conferences, workshops, seminars and technical meetings. - Document and publish research results in peer-reviewed scientific or technical journals. - Contribute to XFEL data analysis workshops organized by the Group The successful candidates are expected to support the analysis of serial femtosecond crystallography experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron Laser (SACLA), the European X-Ray Laser (XFEL), or other applicable x-ray sources (XFELs or 3rd generation synchrotrons). This work is complementary to XFEL data analysis work in the NSF BioXFEL Science and Technology center (STC), and so the candidates will interact and collaborate with students and postdoctoral researchers working in the BioXFEL STC. They will report to the PI for the project. *Required Qualifications:* - PhD in related field such as physics, biophysics, bioinformatics, structural biology, by time of appointment. - Experience in analysis of X-ray diffraction imaging or crystallographic data. - Demonstrated algorithm and/or code development. - Demonstrated publication record in peer-reviewed literature; and experience in presenting research results to large audiences. - Demonstrated ability to perform independent research and in a diverse team environment to achieve program goals in a timely fashion. - Demonstrated fundamental verbal and written communication skills (in English) necessary to work in a multidisciplinary team environment, author technical and scientific reports and publications, and deliver scientific presentations. *Desired Qualifications:* - Experience with X-ray experiments at synchrotrons or XFELs related to high-resolution imaging or crystallography. - Experience and familiarity with coherent x-ray imaging experiments. - Experience with analyzing and solving protein structures. - Demonstrated programming experience in C and Python; experience with , web-interface development - Experience with parallel programming and large data sets. *To apply, *please submit as a single PDF document: (1) a cover letter which includes the names and email addresses of three references, (2) a curriculum vitae with a list of publications. PDF application materials should be submitted via the employment application portal. *Applications will be reviewed beginning June 15, 2016.* If not filled, every week thereafter until the search is closed. *Anticipated starting date: August 2016. * Please email [email protected] for more information. -- Nadia Zatsepin Assistant Research Professor Dept of Physics PSF246 Arizona State University +1 480 727 6444 [email protected] **
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Nadia Zatsepin