Issue with running phenix.segment_and_split_map command

Good afternoon all, I’ve been running Phenix using the GUI however I want to segment a map using phenix.segment_and_split_map which turns out to be a command line program. I’m trying to run it using the following command: abhinabadas@AbhinabasM1Mac ~ % phenix.segment_and_split_map \ /Users/abhinabadas/Downloads/Chimera/postProcessMaskedsharpened_map.ccp4 \ /Users/abhinabadas/Desktop/Test_map_2/rcsb_pdb_3J9G.fasta auto_sharpen = False \ box_in_auto_sharpen = False However, it ends every time giving the error: Read sequence from /Users/abhinabadas/Desktop/VipA-B/rcsb_pdb_3J9G.fasta Sorry: Need resolution for segment_and_split_map with sharpening Initially, I used the same command without using auto_sharpen = False box_in_auto_sharpen = False, as the map was already auto sharpened in Phenix. It gave me the same error regardless. Apologies for this possibly inane question; there might be a very easy fix to it but I can’t seem to figure it out. I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions to resolve this issue. Please let me know if you need any further information. Thank you for your attention and assistance. Thanks, abhi

Try putting a resolution=3 on the command line (change the 3 to something appropriate for you). That omission often spawns the error you see.
(I’m not convinced that a sensible default couldn’t be deduced by the programs in many instances.)
Phil Jeffrey
On Jun 10, 2023, at 12:03 PM, Das, Abhinaba

Thank you for the suggestion. However, even after appending "resolution = 3.5" to the command, the error persists.
Command used: segment_and_split_map /Users/abhinabadas/Downloads/Chimera/postProcessMaskedsharpened_map.ccp4 /Users/abhinabadas/Desktop/VipA-B/rcsb_pdb_3J9G.fasta resolution = 3.5
Here is the complete log file for reference. The program is being run with default settings, and the input map is a reconstructed density of a helical tube.
input_files {
seq_file = "/Users/abhinabadas/Desktop/VipA-B/rcsb_pdb_3J9G.fasta"
map_file = "/Users/abhinabadas/Downloads/Chimera/postProcessMaskedsharpened_map.ccp4"
half_map_file = None
external_map_file = None
ncs_file = None
pdb_file = None
pdb_to_restore = None
info_file = None
target_ncs_au_file = None
input_weight_map_pickle_file = None
output_files {
magnification_map_file = "magnification_map.ccp4"
magnification_ncs_file = "magnification_ncs.ncs_spec"
shifted_map_file = "shifted_map.ccp4"
shifted_sharpened_map_file = "shifted_sharpened_map.ccp4"
sharpened_map_file = "sharpened_map.ccp4"
shifted_pdb_file = "shifted_pdb.pdb"
shifted_ncs_file = "shifted_ncs.ncs_spec"
shifted_used_ncs_file = "shifted_used_ncs.ncs_spec"
output_directory = "segmented_maps"
box_map_file = "box_map_au.ccp4"
box_mask_file = "box_mask_au.ccp4"
box_buffer = 5
au_output_file_stem = "shifted_au"
write_intermediate_maps = False
write_output_maps = True
remainder_map_file = "remainder_map.ccp4"
output_info_file = "segment_and_split_map_info.pkl"
restored_pdb = None
output_weight_map_pickle_file = "weight_map_pickle_file.pkl"
crystal_info {
chain_type = *None PROTEIN RNA DNA
sequence = None
is_crystal = None
use_sg_symmetry = False
resolution = None
space_group = None
unit_cell = None
original_unit_cell = None
original_unit_cell_grid = None
molecular_mass = None
solvent_content = None
solvent_content_iterations = 3
wang_radius = None
buffer_radius = None
pseudo_likelihood = None
reconstruction_symmetry {
symmetry = None
include_helical_symmetry = True
must_be_consistent_with_space_group_number = None
symmetry_center = None
optimize_center = False
helical_rot_deg = None
helical_trans_z_angstrom = None
max_helical_optimizations = 2
max_helical_ops_to_check = 5
max_helical_rotations_to_check = None
two_fold_along_x = None
smallest_object = None
score_basis = ncs_score cc *None
scale_weight_fractional_translation = 1.05
random_points = 100
identify_ncs_id = True
min_ncs_cc = 0.75
n_rescore = 5
op_max = 14
tol_r = 0.02
abs_tol_t = 2
max_helical_operators = None
rel_tol_t = 0.05
require_helical_or_point_group_symmetry = False
map_modification {
magnification = None
b_iso = None
b_sharpen = None
b_blur_hires = 200
resolution_dependent_b = None
normalize_amplitudes_in_resdep = False
d_min_ratio = 0.833
scale_max = 100000
input_d_cut = None
rmsd = None
rmsd_resolution_factor = 0.25
fraction_complete = None
regions_to_keep = None
auto_sharpen = True
auto_sharpen_methods = no_sharpening b_iso *b_iso_to_d_cut \
resolution_dependent model_sharpening \
half_map_sharpening target_b_iso_to_d_cut None
box_in_auto_sharpen = False
density_select_in_auto_sharpen = True
density_select_threshold_in_auto_sharpen = None
allow_box_if_b_iso_set = False
soft_mask = True
use_weak_density = False
discard_if_worse = None
local_sharpening = None
local_aniso_in_local_sharpening = None
overall_before_local = True
select_sharpened_map = None
read_sharpened_maps = None
write_sharpened_maps = None
smoothing_radius = None
box_center = None
box_size = 40 40 40
target_n_overlap = 10
restrict_map_size = None
restrict_z_turns_for_helical_symmetry = 1
restrict_z_distance_for_helical_symmetry = None
remove_aniso = True
cc_cut = 0.2
max_cc_for_rescale = 0.2
scale_using_last = 3
max_box_fraction = 0.5
density_select_max_box_fraction = 0.95
mask_atoms = True
mask_atoms_atom_radius = 3
value_outside_atoms = None
k_sharpen = 10
iterate = False
optimize_b_blur_hires = False
optimize_d_cut = None
adjust_region_weight = True
region_weight_method = initial_ratio *delta_ratio b_iso
region_weight_factor = 1
region_weight_buffer = 0.1
region_weight_default = 30
target_b_iso_ratio = 5.9
signal_min = 3
target_b_iso_model_scale = 0
search_b_min = -100
search_b_max = 300
search_b_n = 21
residual_target = "adjusted_sa"
sharpening_target = "adjusted_sa"
region_weight = 40
sa_percent = 30
fraction_occupied = 0.2
n_bins = 20
max_regions_to_test = 30
eps = None
k_sol = 0.35
b_sol = 50
segmentation {
select_au_box = None
n_ops_to_use_au_box = 25
n_au_box = 5
lower_bounds = None
upper_bounds = None
density_select = True
density_select_threshold = 0.05
get_half_height_width = None
box_ncs_au = True
cell_cutoff_for_solvent_from_mask = 150
mask_padding_fraction = 0.025
fraction_of_max_mask_threshold = 0.05
mask_threshold = None
grid_spacing_for_au = 3
radius = None
value_outside_mask = 0
density_threshold = None
starting_density_threshold = None
iteration_fraction = 0.2
max_overlap_fraction = 0.05
remove_bad_regions_percent = 1
require_complete = True
split_if_possible = True
write_all_regions = False
max_per_au = None
max_per_au_ratio = 5
min_ratio_of_ncs_copy_to_first = 0.5
min_ratio = 0.1
max_ratio_to_target = 3
min_ratio_to_target = 0.3
min_volume = 10
residues_per_region = 50
seeds_to_try = 10
iterate_with_remainder = True
weight_rad_gyr = 0.1
expand_size = None
expand_target = 1.5
mask_additional_expand_size = 1
mask_expand_ratio = 1
exclude_points_in_ncs_copies = True
add_neighbors = True
add_neighbors_dist = 1
control {
verbose = False
shift_only = None
sharpen_only = None
check_ncs = None
resolve_size = None
quick = True
memory_check = True
save_box_map_ncs_au = False
write_files = True
multiprocessing = *multiprocessing sge lsf pbs condor pbspro slurm
queue_run_command = None
nproc = 1
Read sequence from /Users/abhinabadas/Desktop/VipA-B/rcsb_pdb_3J9G.fasta
Sorry: Need resolution for segment_and_split_map with sharpening
Thank you once again for the attention and support.
From: Philip D. Jeffrey

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share an update regarding the issue. It appears that the problem was caused by the utilization of space. Setting the resolution=3.5 resolved the issue. However, I encountered another challenge as my computer's memory became insufficient while executing the program.
This brings me to a broader question: considering we have knowledge about the symmetry applied during reconstruction (helical along with Cn symmetry), is it feasible to generate all the information contained in the "symmetry_from_map.ncs_spec" file and/or segment the density map?
From: [email protected]
participants (2)
Das, Abhinaba
Philip D. Jeffrey