Phenix version 1.13 released

The Phenix developers are pleased to announce that version 1.13 of Phenix is now available (build 1.13-2998). Binary installers for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows platforms are available at the download site: Highlights for this version: - phenix.map_to_model - better symmetry support and improved runtime efficiency - phenix.structure_search - structural library and internal support for mmCIF - phenix.ligand_identification - limit ligand size for search - Phaser 2.8.1 - various bug fixes - Structure Comparison - more/improved validation information (ligands, waters, cis/trans peptides, HIS protonation) - GUI - automatic validation after phenix.real_space_refine; visual improvements in validation - Improved handling of model mmCIF input/output - New Phenix video tutorials - Internal bug fixes and performance improvements - NEW FEATURES - Phenix.map_to_model: - Allows cases where symmetry that is neither point-group nor helical is present - Allows splitting runs into many small independent steps - Set defaults for quick=True to run somewhat more quickly - GUI - Validation information added to phenix.real_space_refine results - phenix.real_space_refine GUI accepts input for reference models - Polygon stand-alone GUI deprecated; rolled into Comprehensive Validation GUI - Old Polygon jobs cannot be restored - Validation GUI - Stoplight colors (green/orange/red) added to validation summary - In rotamer outlier table, uncalculated chi angles now display blank instead of None - Validation table columns adjusted to reduce whitespace - Updated dependencies - Python 2.7.13 -> 2.7.14 - Boost 1.56 -> Boost 1.63 - Numpy 1.8.1 -> 1.8.2 - phenix.structure_search: - Updated to November 2017 RCSB non-redundant library (representatives of 100% sequence-identity clusters.) - Changed to mmcif-based coordinate handling internally. - phenix.ligand_identification: - Added search limit on ligand sizes (Non-H atoms) - Run LigandFit algorithm internally as default. - Phaser-2.8.1 - bugfixes - anisotropy correction of map coefficients after MR - detection of duplicate solutions - correct cell for PDB after refinement of cell for input data - packing places molecules near origin in compact arrangement - Structure Comparison - Updated to include favoured, allowed and outliers for validations tabs such as rotamers - Add featurs such as ligands information & locations; water locations; cis/trans peptides; and histidine protonation - General increase of robustness and flexibility - Greater flexibility for model/data input including directory tree travesal and user defined scripts - Restraints - Added better SF4 restraints - Added mechanism to improve SF4 linking - Various performance enhancements - Better handling of model mmCIF input/output - New Phenix video tutorials: - Cryo-EM tools in Phenix - overview - How to run MolProbity - step by step (web interface and Phenix GUI) - MolProbity: All atom contacts tutorial For a full list of changes see: Please note that this publication should be used to cite use of Phenix: PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution. P. D. Adams, P. V. Afonine, G. Bunkóczi, V. B. Chen, I. W. Davis, N. Echols, J. J. Headd, L.-W. Hung, G. J. Kapral, R. W. Grosse-Kunstleve, A. J. McCoy, N. W. Moriarty, R. Oeffner, R. J. Read, D. C. Richardson, J. S. Richardson, T. C. Terwilliger and P. H. Zwart. Acta Cryst. D66, 213-221 (2010). Full documentation is available here: There is a Phenix bulletin board: Please consult the installer README file or online documentation for installation instructions. Direct questions and problem reports to the bulletin board or: [email protected] and [email protected] Commercial users interested in obtaining access to Phenix should visit the Phenix website for information about the Phenix Industrial Consortium. The development of Phenix is principally funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH) under grant P01-GM063210. We also acknowledge the generous support of the members of the Phenix Industrial Consortium. -- Paul Adams Division Director, Molecular Biophysics & Integrated Bioimaging, Lawrence Berkeley Lab Division Deputy for Biosciences, Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley Lab Adjunct Professor, Department of Bioengineering, U.C. Berkeley Vice President for Technology, the Joint BioEnergy Institute Laboratory Research Manager, ENIGMA Science Focus Area Building 33, Room 347 Building 978, Room 4126 Tel: 1-510-486-4225, Fax: 1-510-486-5909 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road BLDG 33R0345 Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. Executive Assistant: Louise Benvenue [ [email protected] ][ 1-510-495-2506 ] --
participants (1)
Paul Adams