Dear Phenix developers, I had a problem in indexing by labelit.index in phenix-1.7.3-928, getting the error below: InputFileError: Input error: All images must have same oscillation range (delta phi). My dataset was collected by inhouse R-axis with 0.8 deg oscillation. Image header values of oscillation range fluctuate between 0.799999 - 0.800004 degrees. When I specified two images whose delta phi angles were different, say 0.799999 and 0.800003, labelit.index stopped with the error above. I don't think a goniometer have such a precision, therefore I think line 249 in /phenix-1.7.3-928/labelit/command_line/imagefiles.py should be modified not to use == instead of similar_delta_phi() or something. 246 if False in [similar_wavelength(self.images[0],self.images[x]) for x in xrange(1,Nimages)]: 247 raise InputFileError("""All images must have similar wavelength.""") 248 249 if False in [self.images[0].deltaphi==self.images[x].deltaphi for x in xrange(1,Nimages)]: 250 raise InputFileError("""All images must have same oscillation range (delta phi).""") Best regards, Takaaki Fukami ----- Dr. Takaaki Fukami (mailto:[email protected]) Discovery Research Dept. (Biostructure Gr.) Roche Group: Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.