IIUC, current mechanism for "updating" phenix is to download and install the whole thing every time one wants to get a nightly build and/or latest official release. While it is not technically difficult, it is something that I am reluctant to do on a regular basis (maybe I can set up a daemon that would do that for me every night, but additional difficulty is that one has to get a password by email). I am not using 4kbps modem anymore, but still the whole thing is pretty big. Given Pavel's comment ("not goining to sparkle an endless useless discussion about what is right") I suspect that an unsolicited suggestion of the kind I am going to make below is not necessarily what phenix team is looking for. I thought discussion boards are established just for that - uncensored (to a degree) discussion where users are free to express their concerns and opinions without fear of being labeled useless by people who control the board itself. I however know everything I say is generally useless already, so here goes. Given that changes between nightly builds are likely limited to relatively small patches/additions, is there some mechanism to do updates "revision control style", i.e. by downloading and updating only the parts of code that changed? This way if I want to keep using bleeding edge version, I do not need to download ~650Mb on a daily basis. Cheers, Ed. On 04/06/2013 04:31 AM, Folmer Fredslund wrote:
Hi phenixbb/developers,
Recently, some people have experienced problems with B-factor refinement in the official releases of PHENIX.
It seems to me that, generally speaking, the first suggestion is to use the nightly builds of phenix.
So, my question is: How does the official releases work? Is it a snapshot of the development version, or are you doing some kind of stabilization during the development of the official releases? Are you updating the official releases after release (to fix bugs) or are the bugs only fixed in the nightly builds.
With the current official releases, would I be better off using the nightly builds for refinement? (I have also seen some weird behavior with B-factor refinement).
Best regards and thank you for developing phenix, Folmer
-- Folmer Fredslund Post doc MAX IV Laboratory Lund Sweden
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-- Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy? Julian, King of Lemurs