On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Sam
<[email protected]>
I'm in the process of preparing 4 structures for submission to rcsb,
and the validation server has pointed out numerous issues with the
N-acetyl-glucosamine moieties on my structures. While I have fixed the
torsion angles accordingly (using CARP from http://www.glycosciences.de/tools/carp/
as a validation checker) and they stay fixed after phenix refinement,
phenix keeps generating 2-2.2 Angstrom clashes between ND2 on
asparagine with C2 on the NAG (the linkage is ND2-C1 and the usual
distances are at least 2.28 Angstroms). Occasionally, the ND2 to C2
distance is as low as 1.8 Angstroms. This is happening in all my
structures and happens independently of the setting of wxc_scale (even
for wxc_scale=0.05!) My NAG groups fit the density well, both pre- and
post- refinement.
Any suggestions? Will rcsb care? These clashes are present in 12 out
of 39 NAG moieties.