Hello phenixbb,

It would be convenient to have a tool to calculate Q-scores [1], with suggested command-line name phenix.qscore or phenix.model_map_qscore. It would work just like phenix.model_map_cc but report Q-scores instead (average per chain by default, but if requested also per-residue backbone / side chain / whole residue averages, or per ligand). And phenix.validation_cryoem could report these scores as well, in addition to the CCs that it already reports.

There is already a tool to do this in ChimeraX [2], which is very helpful for interactive work. But for automated calculation of these scores from many models and maps, it would be more convenient to have a phenix tool for it.

If it already exists, sorry I overlooked it (but I looked up both the latest documentation and phenix command completion and couldn't find anything like it), and I'll be happy if somebody can point me to it!



[1]: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-020-0731-1
[2]: https://github.com/tristanic/chimerax-qscore
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