There are two things I'd like to do, for which phenix.fmodels look appropriate, but which I've been able to do: 1. Run phenix.fmodel on a phenix-refined pdb file, and get the same FMODEL parameters as phenix.refine itself put into its output mtz file. Can I extract from the log files the scaling factors that phenix.refine used, and if so, how? 2. Run phenix.fmodel on a pdb file, and get (unscaled) FMODEL values that include bulk solvent contributions as well as the ususal atomic-based structure factors. I think my problem arises from trying to understand the documentation at phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/fmodel.html. Specifically: the equation at the very top of the documentation states: Fmodel = scale * exp(AnisoScale) * (Fcalc + k_sol * exp(-b_sol*s^2/4) * Fmask) But I had thought(?) that k_sol and b_sol were no longer being used. I don't see any reference to these in my phenix.refine log files. Example 2 in the documentation page suggests using k_sol=0.35 and b_sol=50, but I don't know how to find the "best" values for these, i.e. the ones that would be closest to what phenix.refine is using. If I try the values in example 2, I don't get the same FMODEL values as phenix.refine reports. Thanks in advance for pointers...dave case