Hello, I'd like to take a phenix project (on which I've been working successfully on the Mac where I initially created the project) from one Mac to another Mac. When I tried to use the 'Import project' tool on the new computer, I got a notification that "[...] the directory must contain the PHENIX project tracking data (a sub-directory named 'phenix' or '.phenix', and associated files)." Unfortunately, I didn't see a sub-directory named 'phenix' or '.phenix' in the folder where all my project files had been created and stored, and wasn't sure what to do about it, so I proceeded with the Import anyway, to see what would happen. On the new computer, the project was imported seemingly successfully (e.g. the project history is all there), but when I tried to Run a refinement I'd configured for this project, I got an error about the missing '.phenix' file. The error is: "Cannot open file for write: [...] No such file or directory: [...]/.phenix/project_data/refine_22.eff' Can someone help me figure out how to properly move a project from one computer to another? Thank you, Emily.