22 May
22 May
8:03 a.m.
The resolution of my map is 3.46A
Kind regards,
On May 22, 2023 6:42:47 AM Pavel Afonine
Hi Dmitry, finding out what's happening in cases like this almost always requires us having the files and being able to reproduce the issue at our end. So.. Would you mind sending me the files (off-list)? -Thanks! Pavel On 5/17/23 05:03, Dmitry A. Semchonok wrote:
Dear colleagues,
I have a cryo-em 3D map // full model // a monomer.
I run the FIND NCS parameters for my model – Homo 14-mer.
When I ran Applied the NCS operators with the monomer I received a 12-mer model instead of a 14-mer. So 2 subunits are missing.
Could you please prompt how to fix that?
Thanks in advance
Sincerely, Dmitry