Hi Oliver, You can restart from the end of the last completed step in mr_rosetta. Here is how: At each stage, existing solutions are saved as a python "pkl" file and can be read back in to mr_rosetta with "mr_rosetta_solutions=xxx.pkl". These solutions can be displayed with "display_solutions=True". Existing solutions are stored as "mr_rosetta_solution" objects which keep track of the model and its history, the map_coefficients and labels, etc. These can be read in to mr_rosetta with the keyword "mr_rosetta_solutions=results.pkl" and used as inputs for subsequent runs, starting at any step that can use those solutions. NOTE: You can re-start mr_rosetta only at the beginning of major stages (like "place_model", "rosetta_rebuild" etc)...but not in between. Normally at the end of a major stage a .pkl file is written out with text like "type this to see all the results". You can almost always give your original command, the command "start_point=xxx" and "mr_rosetta_solutions=my_pickle_file.pkl" and it should then continue on from there. (see also: http://www.phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/mr_rosetta.html#viewing...) Let me know if that doesn't do it! All the best, Tom T On May 12, 2014, at 7:42 AM, Oliver Clarke wrote:
Hi all,
I was running a mr_rosetta job on an 8-core machine, and after 3 days of apparently fruitful computation (784/1000 initial models generated), my system crashed for an apparently unrelated reason (there are no errors in the rosetta logs - I suspect a brief power outage or something of the sort).
I am guessing the answer is no, but I just thought I’d check whether anyone knows of a way to continue such a job from where it left off without having to start from scratch?
Best, Oliver. _______________________________________________ phenixbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb