Dear all, We are getting closer and closer to the 2014 edition of my favorite Gordon Research Conference (https://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?year=2014&program=diffrac ) on Diffraction Methods in Structural Biology "Faster, Smaller, Better: Novel Technologies for Diffraction Experiments in Molecular Biology and Drug Discovery" , which this year will also feature before it starts the Gordon Research Seminars "Towards Integrative Structural Biology" (https://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?year=2014&program=grs_diff), targeting young scientists! Thanks to INSTRUCT (http://www.structuralbiology.eu) there will be four fellowships for young European researchers coming originally from an INSTRUCT member country or working in an INSTRUCT member country (http://www.structuralbiology.eu/resources/countries). Each fellowship will amount to 750 Euro, covering registration for both the GRC and the GRS, and all local expenses. It is a condition that you have to attend both the GRS and the GRC and submit a poster for both events. If you want to apply for such a fellowship, please send me an email reply (maintain the subject line please), including a single-page PDF file, a very short CV, an equally short abstract of your research, and a motivation statement explaining why you think this event is crucial for your career. Please include the email of your direct supervisor in the end of this letter, and a statement that she/he has agreed to cover the travel expenses for you to attend, if your fellowship application comes through. The deadline for receiving these letters is Wednesday 16 April at 12:CET (yes, thats less than a week from now! get writing!). The letters will be reviewed by an INSTRUCT panel, and the chosen four candidates will get a notification by the 8th of May! And, of course, I do take this opportunity to remind to everyone that the (almost) final program is on-line, we have an absolutely amazing group of speakers lined up, and the available places are filling up fast! So please remember to register on time! Looking forward to see you all at Bates College for what I trust you can make an exciting and memorable meeting! Best regards, Tassos PS If the file is not PDF, if its more than one page, if the characters you use are too small to read, etc etc, don't be too surprised if you do not get the travel fellowship award! Department of Biochemistry (B8) Netherlands Cancer Institute, Dept. B8, 1066 CX Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 512 1951 Fax: +31 20 512 1954 Mobile / SMS: +31 6 28 597791