The Hoelz laboratory at the California Institute of Technology seeks to recruit two outstanding postdoctoral scientists in structural cell biology. Our laboratory focuses on the structure-function relationships of the nuclear pore complex and associated nucleocytoplasmic transport machinery.

This position requires a recent Ph.D. degree in biochemistry/biophysics with a strong background in biochemistry, x-ray crystallography, and/or cryo-electron microscopy/tomography. The successful applicant should be a highly motivated individual with good organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills, who is able to carry out a structure determination project from the development of recombinant protein expression systems to structure refinement.

The laboratory is well-funded and equipped with modern biophysical instrumentation. Importantly, Caltech has an exceptional infrastructure for structural biology, including access to a high intensity, completely automated, state-of-the-art crystallography beamline at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), as well as an excellent cryo-electron microscopy facility with access to FEI Arctica and Titan Krios microscopes equipped with Gatan K3 cameras. 

The positions are available immediately and funded for 3+ years. Depending on performance, the position can be extended for additional years.

To apply, please send your CV, a statement of research interests, and the names and contact information of at least two references to AndrĂ© Hoelz ([email protected]).

Selected Publications

Lin, D. H., Hoelz, A.* (2019). The structure of the nuclear pore complex (an update). Annu. Rev. Biochem88, 725-783. 

Lin, D. H., Correia, A.C., Cai, S.W., Huber, F.M. Jette, C.A., Hoelz, A.* (2018). Structural and functional analysis of mRNA export regulation by the nuclear pore complex. Nat. Commun., 2319.

Huber, F., Hoelz, A.,* (2017). Molecular basis for protection of ribosomal protein L4 from cellular degradation, Nat. Commun. 8, 14354. 

Lin, D.,# Stuwe, T.,# Schilbach, S., Rundlet, E.J., Perriches, T., Mobbs, G., Fan, Y., Thierbach, K., Huber, F.M., Collins, L.N., Davenport, A.M., Jeon, Y.E., Hoelz, A.* (2016). Architecture of the symmetric core of the nuclear pore, Science 352, aaf1015. [Cover]

Stuwe, T.,# Bley, C.J.,# Thierbach, K.,# Petrovic, S.,# Schilbach, S., Mayo, D.J., Perriches, T., Rundlet, E.J., Jeon, Y.J., Collins, L.N., Huber, F.M., Lin, D.H., Paduch, M., Koide, A., Lu, V., Fischer, J., Hurt, E., Koide, S., Kossiakoff, A., Hoelz, A.* (2015). Architecture of the fungal nuclear pore inner ring complex, Science 350, 56-64.

Stuwe, T.,# Correia, A.,# Lin, D. H., Paduch, M., Lu, V. T., Kossiakoff, A. A., Hoelz, A.* (2015). Architecture of the nuclear pore complex coat. Science 347, 1148-1152.   

Hoelz, A.,* Debler, E.W., Blobel, G. (2011). Structure of the Nuclear Pore Complex, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 80, 613-643.

André Hoelz, Ph.D.
Faculty Scholar, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Investigator, Heritage Medical Research Institute
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
California Institute of Technology
1200 East California Boulevard
Pasadena, CA 91125

Tel:  1-626-395-8480 (office)
Tel:  1-626-395-3152 (lab)