The Hoelz laboratory at the California Institute of Technology seeks to recruit two outstanding postdoctoral scientists in structural cell biology. Our laboratory focuses
on the structure-function relationships of the nuclear pore complex and associated nucleocytoplasmic transport machinery.
This position requires a recent Ph.D. degree in biochemistry/biophysics with a strong background in biochemistry, x-ray crystallography, and/or cryo-electron microscopy/tomography.
The successful applicant should be a highly motivated individual with good organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills, who is able to carry out a structure determination project from the development of recombinant protein expression systems to
structure refinement.
The laboratory is well-funded and equipped with modern biophysical instrumentation. Importantly, Caltech has an exceptional infrastructure for structural biology,
including access to a high intensity, completely automated, state-of-the-art crystallography beamline at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), as well as an excellent cryo-electron microscopy facility with access to FEI Arctica and Titan Krios
microscopes equipped with Gatan K3 cameras.
The positions are available immediately and funded for 3+ years. Depending on performance, the position can be extended for additional years.
To apply, please send your CV, a statement of research interests, and the names and contact information of at least two references to André Hoelz ([email protected]).
Selected Publications
Lin, D. H., Hoelz, A.* (2019). The structure of the nuclear pore complex (an update). Annu.
Rev. Biochem. 88, 725-783.
Lin, D. H., Correia, A.C., Cai, S.W., Huber, F.M. Jette, C.A., Hoelz, A.* (2018).
Structural and functional analysis of mRNA export regulation by the nuclear pore complex. Nat. Commun., 2319.
Huber, F., Hoelz, A.,* (2017). Molecular basis for protection of ribosomal protein
L4 from cellular degradation, Nat. Commun. 8, 14354.
Lin, D.,# Stuwe, T.,# Schilbach,
S., Rundlet, E.J., Perriches, T., Mobbs, G., Fan, Y., Thierbach, K., Huber, F.M., Collins, L.N., Davenport, A.M., Jeon, Y.E., Hoelz, A.* (2016). Architecture of the symmetric
core of the nuclear pore, Science 352, aaf1015. [Cover]
Stuwe, T.,# Bley, C.J.,# Thierbach,
K.,# Petrovic, S.,# Schilbach, S., Mayo, D.J., Perriches, T., Rundlet, E.J., Jeon,
Y.J., Collins, L.N., Huber, F.M., Lin, D.H., Paduch, M., Koide, A., Lu, V., Fischer, J., Hurt, E., Koide, S., Kossiakoff, A., Hoelz, A.* (2015). Architecture of the fungal
nuclear pore inner ring complex, Science 350, 56-64.
Stuwe, T.,# Correia, A.,# Lin,
D. H., Paduch, M., Lu, V. T., Kossiakoff, A. A., Hoelz, A.* (2015). Architecture of the nuclear pore complex coat. Science 347,
Hoelz, A.,* Debler, E.W., Blobel, G. (2011). Structure of the Nuclear Pore Complex, Annu.
Rev. Biochem. 80, 613-643.