Postdoctoral research position: molecular biologist/bioinformatician A 2-year Post-Doctoral position is available immediately in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Genomics in the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly, located in the city of Larissa. The selected candidate will work in the framework of a national Research Infrastructure program on Synthetic Biology. Research in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Genomics focuses on various aspects of insect olfaction, reproduction and evolution, aiming at the development of new approaches for control of insects of agricultural or medical importance. We are seeking a highly motivated and creative scientist with a track record of successful research. A good bioinformatics background is strongly desired. The ideal candidate should be able to analyze raw sequencing data, perform genome assembly and annotation and have a good understanding of comparative and functional genomics. At the same time, he/she should be able to design and perform experiments in support of the bioinformatics analyses. Candidates should have a PhD and should have training in one or more of the following disciplines: bioinformatics, molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and genome-wide technologies. Familiarity with insect rearing is desirable but not essential. Curriculum Vitae, a brief letter describing interests and prior experience and names of three references should be sent to: [email protected]. Research position: MSc Bioinformatician A 2-year position for an MSc Bioinformatician is available immediately in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Genomics in the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly, located in the city of Larissa. The selected candidate will work in the framework of a national Research Infrastructure program on Synthetic Biology. Research in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Genomics focuses on various aspects of insect olfaction, reproduction and evolution, aiming at the development of new approaches for control of insects of agricultural or medical importance. We are seeking a highly motivated individual with a BSc in Biology or related science and an MSc in Bioinformatics. The successful candidate will be involved in raw sequencing data analysis, genome assembly and annotation and comparative and functional genomics studies. His/her research could also lead to a PhD. Curriculum Vitae, a brief letter describing interests and prior experience and names of three references should be sent to: [email protected]. -- ----------------------------------------------- Dr. Demetres D. Leonidas Professor of Biochemistry Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology University of Thessaly Biopolis 41500 Larissa, Greece --------------------------------------------- Tel. +302410 565278 Tel. +302410 565297 (Lab) Fax. +302410 565290 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.bio.uth.gr ORCID ID orcid.org/0000-0002-3874-2523 ----------------------------------------------- --- Αυτό το e-mail ελέγχθηκε για ιούς από το πρόγραμμα Avast antivirus. https://www.avast.com/antivirus