Dear Pavel,

Thank you for your answer.

I managed to make the refinement run with the restrains.
Although I have yet to learn what went wrong and caused those issues.

Kind regards,

From: Pavel Afonine <[email protected]>
Sent: 22 November 2023 08:24
To: Dmitry Semchonok <[email protected]>; Phenix email list <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [phenixbb] issue with restrains

Hi Dmitry,

this is odd.. Could you please send us all inputs (off-list) and describe steps that lead to this situation? We'll debug as soon as we get these information.


On 11/17/23 03:42, Dmitry Semchonok wrote:
Dear colleagues,

The issue with the refinement (Phenix 1.21rc1-5130)
The refinement does not recognize the phil parameters prepared with ReadySet.

Please prompt me on how to proceed.

Thank you

Kins regards,

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