The conda-forge package for cctbx is now available. There are 2 packages, "cctbx-base" includes the base code and "cctbx" which includes "cctbx-base" and adds "wxPython", "PySide2", and "ipython". The commands for installing cctbx into your conda environment are
conda install -c conda-forge cctbx
conda install -c conda-forge cctbx-base
If you want to use Jupyter Lab, you can now easily do this with
conda install -c conda-forge cctbx-base jupyterlab
jupyter lab
The existing documentation will be updated to reflect the easier installation procedure with conda.
After installing the conda package, you can also run some of the tests (in an empty directory) with
libtbx.run_tests_module module=libtbx module=cctbx nproc=<nproc>