Dear all, It is our pleasure to announce the joint iNEXT-Discovery and 3D-Bioinfo workshop on "AI advances in structural biology and drug discovery", to be held in Grenoble on 13-14 May 2024. The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have opened up new horizons in the field of Structural Biology and Drug Discovery. This workshop is addressed to scientists in industry and academia, and aims to bridge the gap between the recent developments in AI technologies and experimental approaches in translational research. From understanding biological structures to accelerating the drug discovery processes, participants will gain insights into the latest AI models, as well as high throughput experimental techniques. Through a series of invited and selected talks (abstract submission will remain open until 25 April 2024), attendees will explore the power of combining AI and experimental approaches in translational research. Abstracts will be considered for oral and poster presentations. Please register and send your abstract before 25 April 2024. Website: https://instruct-eric.org/events/ai-approaches-in-structural-biology-and-dru... Registration fee: £50 (includes catering) Venue: EPN campus, Grenoble, France. Dates: 13-14 May 2024 Best regards, Jon Agirre, on behalf of the organising committee: Jose A. Marquez (Instruct-ERIC), Magalie Matthieu (Sanofi-Aventis), Rebecca Thompson (ThermoFisher), Max Nanao (ESRF), Carlos Oscar Sorzano (Instruct-ERIC), Jon Agirre (Instruct-ERIC/3D-Bioinfo liaison), Sameer Velankar (EMBL-EBI, 3D-Bioinfo), Evangelia Chrysina (ICB-NHRF, Greece). -- Dr Jon Agirre Royal Society University Research Fellow (assistant professor) Main editor at Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications CCP4 WG2 co-chair | instruct-ERIC representative @ 3D-Bioinfo SC (Elixir) York Structural Biology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry University of York, Heslington, YO10 5DD, York, UK