Ok, the problem occurs in the cif parser that gets tried
in reflection_file_reader.try_all_readers(file_name). In incomprehensible
antlr3 code, every word in the file gets processed into a token, so any
large file with many words per line will temporarily use gigabytes of
memory when constructing a iotbx.cif.reader, specifically on line
iotbx/cif/__init__.py:68: self.parser = ext.fast_reader(builder,
input_string, file_path, strict)
The most limited fix would be that try_all_readers will only try the cif
reader if the file extension is cif (mod capitalization). Is that an ok
Martin, for a temporary fix, you can apply this diff in cctbx_project:
diff --git a/iotbx/reflection_file_reader.py
index 3c1274fb27..3548eb8415 100644
--- a/iotbx/reflection_file_reader.py
+++ b/iotbx/reflection_file_reader.py
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ def try_all_readers(file_name):
except Exception: pass
else: return ("shelx_hklf", content)
+ assert os.path.splitext(file_name)[1].lower() == '.cif'
content = cif_reader(file_path=file_name)
looks_like_a_reflection_file = False
for block in content.model().values():
On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 11:33 AM Daniel Paley
Hi Martin, Are you able to share the hkl file? (Privately if necessary) I just wrote some steps for memory analysis here: https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project/blob/master/dox/rst/debug.md so might be able to help. Dan
On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 11:30 AM Martin Malý
wrote: Dear PHENIX & CCTBX developers and users,
I tried to calculate merging statistics with CCTBX tools using Python 3. I realized that the memory requirements are much higher comparing with Python 2... I closed all programs firstly so I had just 1.6 GB RAM used of 7.6 GB total RAM. Then I ran these two lines of code in the cctbx.python shell:
import iotbx.merging_statistics i_obs = iotbx.merging_statistics.select_data(file_name="XDS_ASCII.HKL", data_labels=None)
Python 2.7: The RAM usage went to 4.8 GB and then I was able to calculate merging statistics. Python 3.7: The module import was successful. Then the RAM usage went to total 7.6 GB and then the process was killed by the operating system (CentOS 7).
Please, do you have any suggestion how to use this module "more carefully" and save memory? Thank you! Best regards, Martin Malý -----
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