Dear colleagues, just a reminder, we're close to the deadline for applications. Details below. Thank you! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *International Workshop “Macromolecular Crystallography : Introduction and Applications"* *April 26 - May 7, 2010* *Institut Pasteur de Montevideo* *Uruguay* The principal aim of this course, is to give intense hands-on training in all main aspects of macromolecular 3D structure determination by X ray diffraction. The course will include lectures delivered by a number of international experts in the discipline, linked to hands-on experimental work and demonstrations. Special emphasis will be given to : * Experiment design : manual and robotic crystallogenesis of macromolecules, X ray diffraction of single crystals, data collection * Diffraction data processing * Model refinement and structural analysis *ACTIVITY INTENDED FOR* * Graduate Students (MSc and PhD) * Postdocs * Young Research Scientists *APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS* Candidates should send the following information : 1. -Short CV (including age, current position, scientific interests, publications) 2. -Letter of motivation (the applicant should stress how Macromolecular Crystallography is included in her/his ongoing scientific project) 3. -Reference letter from the apllicant's supervisor *SCHOLARSHIPS* Inscription fees are fully covered for all accepted students. Applicants from abroad with no financial support, are welcome to apply for a lodging and per diem expenses scholarship. This should be inlcuded as a separate document at the time of application. A limited number of traveling aids will be available: arguments backing this request should be duly explained, to be evaluated on a case by case basis. *APPLICATION DEADLINE* All applications should be received until March 7 2010. They should be sent as a single pdf document to : [email protected] *ORGANIZERS* Dr. Alejandro Buschiazzo Unidad de Cristalografía de Proteínas Institut Pasteur de Montevideo Dr. Pedro Alzari Departamento de Biología Estructural y Química Institut Pasteur de Paris Dr. William Shepard Proxima 2 Synchrotron Soleil For further information, please E-mail to [email protected] The official language of the course will be english. Detailed information is available at: http://www.pasteur.edu.uy/mxcourse Please check for regular updates of the program. *FUNDING* RIIP, AMSUD/PASTEUR, IP MONTEVIDEO (URUGUAY INNOVA), CeBEM This International Workshop is part of the activities of the Center of Structural Biology of Mercosur (Centro de Biología Estructural del Mercosur - CeBEM) -- Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD Research Scientist Laboratory of Protein Crystallography Pasteur Institute of Montevideo Mataojo 2020 Montevideo 11400 URUGUAY Phone: +5982 5220910 int. 120 Fax: +5982 5224185