I have a SAD map which is beautiful, but I want to look for more heavy atoms before further refinement... Would the proper procedure be.... SAD dataset, reading heavy-atom sites from a PDB file written by phenix.hyss: phenix.autosol 11 Pb data=deriv.sca seq_file=seq.dat \ sites_file=deriv_hyss_consensus_model.pdb This will carry out the usual structure solution process, but will read sites from deriv_hyss_consensus_model.pdb, try both hands, and carry on from there. If you know the hand of the substructure, you can fix it with have_hand=True. Would there be a PDS friendly way to do this (not necessary though) ? i.e. phenix.autobuild after_autosol --------------------------------------------- Francis Reyes M.Sc. 215 UCB University of Colorado at Boulder gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 67BA8D5D 8AE2 F2F4 90F7 9640 28BC 686F 78FD 6669 67BA 8D5D