28 Jan
28 Jan
4 p.m.
Hi! I just installed phenix version 1.7-650 on fedora 14 64-bit and noticed that if I start coot from within phenix interface, most of the icons on the right hand side of the coot window are not displayed. There is a lot of messages like this: Error loading icon: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file '/usr/share/coot/pixmaps/residue-info.png' for png and svg files in the console window. I can see all of the icons if I start coot directly. I am using coot version 1.6.2-pre1 rev 3213 which is installed on 64-bit fedora 14 as a rpm file. I did not see this issue on a phenix version 1.6.4-476 with the same version of coot. Thanks, Leon -- Leonid Flaks Phone: (631) 344-2682 Fax : (631) 344-2741