To all interested parties: A Research Scientist / X-ray lab manager position in the lab of Tom Cech in Boulder, Colorado is open. Job Description: The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a leading biomedical research organization, is seeking an experienced scientist to manage our X-ray crystallography facility at the Cech research laboratory at the University of Colorado campus in Boulder. The facility is equipped with two Rigaku generators and R-Axis IV++ detectors for data collection, a linux cluster, and Macintosh computers for calculations and graphics, and a Fluidigm microfluidics crystallizer. The successful candidate will (1) Carry out routine maintenance on these instruments and coordinate service under service contracts; (2) perform routine Unix system administration and crystallographic software management; (3) provide basic training in the use of x-ray crystallographic equipment and software to users; and (4) engage in independent or collaborative research. Preferred qualifications include a Ph.D. degree in an appropriate field of science or technology, and three years of experience in a Research Specialist level position. Previous experience in Unix/Linux system administration and routine maintenance of crystallography hardware is essential. HHMI offers an excellent salary and comprehensive benefits package. Interested candidates please forward a statement of interest, CV, publications and references by December 30, 2007 to Ms. Robbie Haywood Oglesby, Administrative Assistant, 1200 Moursund Ave S101, Houston, Texas 77030 or e-mail [email protected] (Include Research Specialist - Cech Laboratory in the subject line of your e-mail). ____________________________________________ Marcelo C. Sousa, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Cristol Chemistry Building. Room 100 215 UCB University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309 Phone: (303) 735 4341 Fax: (303) 492 5894