This is a fairly trivial bug, but I thought I'd report it anyway (I'm not sure whether the problem is with the phenix.automr (rc6 build) or with all phaser implementations (the one included is: 2.1.1 so I've emailed both lists): when running phaser in data that was scaled in P 31 2 1, I used phenix.automr to automate MR searches in all spacegroups that are indistinguishable by systematic absences with: phenix.automr template.pdb final_P3121.sca RMS=1 mass=17000 rebuild_after_mr=False copies=1 use_all_plausible_sg=True The program correctly finds the solution in P3221 with a log likelihood gain of 1000 vs 20 for P3121, everything is fine in the outputted PDB CRYST1 line and MTZ; however the log file annoyingly mentions the spacegroup for the last time with "Final space group:P 31 2 1" even though elsewhere in the log file it correctly lists "SpaceGroup of Solution: P 32 2 1". I've excerpted the log file below. If this is the intended behaviour and not a bug, then I apologize but find it quite counterintuitive. Just a small bug, haven't seen if this behaviour occurs in other systematic absence-equivalent space groups. Best, jf **BEGIN LOG SpaceGroup of Solution: P 32 2 1 SINGLE solution Solution written to PDB file: /Users/jfraser/data/AutoMR_run_7_/MR.1.pd b Solution written to MTZ file: /Users/jfraser/data/AutoMR_run_7_/MR.1.mt z Solution log-likelihood gain: 1056.73 Solution annotation (history): RFZ=11.9 TFZ=27.5 PAK=0 LLG=850 LLG=1057 AUTOMR RUN: 7 Files in directory : AutoMR_run_7_ CRITERIA FOR PHASER MR RUN: selection_criteria_rot : Percent_of_best selection_criteria_rot_value : 75 use_all_plausible_sg : Yes overlap_allowed : List of space groups tested: ['P 3 2 1', 'P 31 2 1', 'P 32 2 1'] Final space group:P 31 2 1 CURRENT ENSEMBLES: ENSEMBLE ID: ensemble_1 FILE: template.pdb RMS = 1.0 ENSEMBLES USED IN SEARCH: ensemble_1 **************** SOLUTION MR ******* Log likelihood gain for solution MR: 1056.7344 Output PDB files for solution MR: MR.1.pdb Output MTZ files for solution MR: MR.1.mtz **END LOG -- James Fraser [email protected] Alber Lab 356 Stanley Hall, QB3 UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 http://ucxray.berkeley.edu/~jfraser/