Dear all, We have four immediate openings for postdoctoral researchers and one opening for a Ph.D. student in the DYNAMOP group at the Institute for Structural Biology in Grenoble (France). The first postdoctoral project focuses on the development and optimization of bio-scavengers targeting toxic compounds. The researcher with use time-resolved crystallography and in silico design methodologies. Interested candidates can find more information at [ https://www.ibs.fr/en/careers/job-offers/two-year-postdoctoral-position-for-... | https://www.ibs.fr/en/careers/job-offers/two-year-postdoctoral-position-for-... ] (application deadline: 12/07/2024 ). In the second postdoctoral project, the researcher will study the binding of toxic compounds to their physiological target and subsequent chemical reactivation via time-resolved crystallography. The third postdoctoral project is focused on the development of an experimental approach for the determination of the photoinduced structural dynamics of photosensitive biomolecules both in vitro and in cell using time-resolved X-ray scattering techniques. More information and the application procedure can be found on [ https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR5075-VALLAN-024/Default.aspx?lang=EN | https://www.ibs.fr/en/careers/job-offers/two-year-postdoctoral-position-for-... ] (application deadline 30/06/2024). In the fourth postdoctoral project, the researcher will apply serial diffraction techniques (SSX, SFX, SED) to structurally study natural and recombinant protein nanocrystals Last, a 3-year funded PhD fellowship is available to explore the structural dynamics of the orange carotenoid protein by means of time-resolved serial crystallography. Applicants for the postdoctoral positions must have obtained a Ph.D. in structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry, physics, chemistry, or a related field. The candidates must show a track-record of publications in peer-reviewed journals. Applicants for the Ph.D. position are expected to have a master's degree in one of the above mentioned fields. All candidates are expected to be proficient in English and highly motivated to learn new skills. The candidates need to be a good team player as well as being capable of working independently. For inquiries regarding the positions and application processes, please contact Elke De Zitter ( [ mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] ] ), Martin Weik ( [ mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] ] ), Giorgio Schiro ( [ mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] ] ) or Jacques-Philippe Colletier ( [ mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] ] ) Best regards, Martin, Giorgio, Jacques-Philippe and Elke Elke De Zitter Institut de Biologie Structurale - IBS group DYNAMOP 71 avenue des Martyrs 38044 Grenoble Cedex 9, France +33 4 57 42 86 56 [email protected]