Hi Marjolein,
I have been trying to find in the documentation if there is a way to do this but I have the following problem: In a recent structure we are currently refining we identified a spermine molecule sitting right on a crystallographic two-fold axis. Spermine has internal two-fold symmetry and it is part of extensive crystal contacts. I just wonder how to refine this with Phenix. In Refmac it is easy, I put the occupancies to 0.5 and the program ignores the clashes of the symmetry related molecule, but that doesn't seem to be the way that Phenix works. Can anyone give me advise on this?
Supporting the occupancy trick is on my to-do list (fairly high up).
In the meantime, could you try giving only the asymmetric unit of the spermine? I.e. delete all duplicate atoms from your pdb file. The restraints across the symmetry bond will not work automatically. You have to define a "custom bond" instead, and if you also want to restrain the angles, custom pseudo-bonds. See the "Definition of custom bonds and angles" section. In your case you'll have to define symmetry_operations (not shown in the docs), e.g.:
bond { action = *add atom_selection_1 = resname SPM and name C7 atom_selection_2 = resname SPM and name C7 symmetry_operation = -x,-y,z distance_ideal = 1.5 sigma = 0.01 }
The main difficulty will be to find the correct symmetry_operation for each custom bond. If you send my the CRYST1 card from your PDB file and the part with the SPM residue I could help out.
Hi, The commands worked indeed the trick. Luckily it is actually not that difficult to find the symmetry operators when using coot. One just has to switch drawing symmetry atoms on and clicking on a symmetry atom, coot will tell you in the bottom line which atom it is and which symmetry operator was used to draw it... Thanks again Marjolein __________________________________________________________________________ | Marjolein Thunnissen Phone +46-(0)46-22 24584| | Associate Professor Fax +46-(0)46-22 24692| | Dept of Molecular Biophysics, Lund University http://www.mbfys.lu.se | | PO-Box 124 S-221 00 Lund, Sweden | | | |Scientific coordinator I911 (Max-lab): MAD and fixed-wavelength stations | | for macromolecular crystallography | |__________________________________________________________________________|