25 Feb
25 Feb
7:26 p.m.
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Sam Stampfer
Does anyone know which website is the one where you can compare your pdb file to others of similar resolution to see whether your file has a good r free value for its resolution? Specifically, I have a 2.8 Angstrom resolution structure with an rfree of 24.
Not a website: run phenix.polygon (or open the GUI, and click POLYGON in the section for Validation tools). See Urzhumtseva et al. (2009) Acta D 65:297 for details (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19237753). But if it saves you time, an R-free of 24 is unusually good for that resolution. Nat