13 Mar
13 Mar
7:09 p.m.
Is there anyway to get this quickly? Either by phenix util, web util, or whatever?
Number of atoms is easy: phenix.pdb_atom_selection your.pdb 'chain A or chain B' For the average B-factor you'll have to go to Python: import iotbx.pdb from cctbx.array_family import flex import sys pdb_inp = iotbx.pdb.input(file_name=sys.argv[1]) hierarchy = pdb_inp.construct_hierarchy() sel = hierarchy.atom_selection_cache().selection("chain A or chain B") print "number of atoms:", sel.count(True) print "mean b:", flex.mean(hierarchy.select(sel).atoms().extract_b()) Save to a file and run with "phenix.python". Ralf