Dear all, I am trying to run phenix.xtriage to compute Robs vs Rcalc for twinned data (from A. A. Lebedev, A. A. Vagin and G. N. Murshudov Intensity statistics in twinned crystals with examples from the PDB, Acta Crystallographica, D62, 83-95, (2006) My input: phenix.xtriage xray_data.file_name=$1.mtz xray_data.obs_labels="IMEAN, SIGIMEAN" xray_data.calc_labels="FCalc, PHICalc" xray_data.high_resolution=3.1 > phenix.xtriage.$$.log The FCalc, PHICalc columns (from CCP4-sfall) are in my mtzfile: 1 ASC -27 27 0 100.00 0.7 10.4 52.72 2.60 H H 2 NONE -90 90 0 100.00 0.7 34.2 52.72 2.60 H K 3 NONE 0 15 0 100.00 5.7 5.7 52.72 2.60 H L 4 NONE 0.0 19.0 0 100.00 9.50 9.50 52.72 2.60 I FreeR_flag 5 NONE -244.3 13664.9 0 100.00 467.59 469.74 52.72 2.60 J IMEAN 6 NONE 1.8 990.9 0 100.00 43.05 43.05 52.72 2.60 Q SIGIMEAN 7 NONE 16.2 1157.9 0 100.00 173.14 173.14 52.72 2.60 F F 8 NONE 1.7 51.3 0 100.00 12.91 12.91 52.72 2.60 Q SIGF 9 NONE 0.7 7827.1 0 100.00 257.63 257.63 52.72 2.60 F FCalc 10 NONE 0.0 360.0 0 100.00 180.24 180.24 52.72 2.60 P PHICalc and yet I get the error message: creamint:~/Projects/FactorI/Tetartohedral/P1/DataFiles> ~/Scripts/phenix_xtriage.csh AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT_free.klh_sfall1 Running phenix.xtriage No matching array: scaling.input.xray_data.calc_labels=FCalc, PHICalc Possible choices: AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT_free.klh_sfall1.mtz:IMEAN,SIGIMEAN AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT_free.klh_sfall1.mtz:F,SIGF Please use scaling.input.xray_data.calc_labels to specify an unambiguous substring of the target label. Sorry: No matching array: scaling.input.xray_data.calc_labels=FCalc, PHICalc