Dear All,
We would like to remind you that the registration deadline for the 3rd CCP4/BGU workshop on Data Collection and Structure Determination is on
20th December.
You are all welcome to hurry up and ensure your place.
The 3rd CCP4/BGU Workshop on Data Collection and Structure Determination, will take place at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) in Beer-Sheva, Israel,
between 26th February to 1st March, 2023.
The workshop is limited to 25 participants, and everybody who is interested is welcome to apply.
The workshop program will be suitable for last-year PhD students, as well as postdoctoral researchers and young scientists in their first years of research.
The workshop will concentrate on practical aspects of data collection, structure solution, model building, refinement and validation. Modern methods, benefiting from structure prediction with AlphaFold-2, as well as more traditional
approaches to Molecular Replacement and Experimental Phasing will be considered in detail.
In addition, all participants will have an opportunity to carry out remote data collection at Diamond Light Source on their own samples.
A team of leading structural biology software developers from around the world will present lectures and tutorials and will also be available to help participants with their own projects, such as processing own data and solving structures
during hands-on sessions of the workshop.
More information, including “how to apply”, registration form and tentative program, can be found at:
Best wishes,
Anat Shahar & Eugene Krissinel
Anat Shahar, PhD
Macromolecular Crystallography Research Center (MCRC)
Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science & Technology
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beer-Sheva, Israel
Tel: +972-8-6461807