Hi Mark,
Tom copied me your email.
As I'm sure you are aware there is tremendous interest in building
into and refining against low resolution (by X-ray standards) EM
maps. Could you comment to the phenix BB about whether its
appropriate to convert maps to reciprocal space and use ML
While it is a possible way of doing this (and this is how it's been
done in the past) I don't think it is a good route to follow. In
case of cryo-EM your data is map, so why not just refine against the
map? Why take a detour through reciprocal-space by converting map
into structure factors (=manipulating your original data) and doing
reciprocal space using refinement programs that were designed for
With this in mind we have developed a new refinement tool in Phenix
(it is still in active development!) called phenix.real_space_refine
that is designed to refine atomic models directly into maps (any
map: X-ray, neutron, cryo-EM, low or high resolution), for quick
summary see
as well as documentation page (at the bottom):
and newsletter article (page 43):
Let me know if you have any questions or comments!