Dear Pavel,
Once the Ramachandran outliers (and the rotamer outliers) was corrected by coot, another round of Phenix refine usually cause the rising of the Rwork and Rfree. Is any way to avoid this rising? After this Rwork and Rfree rising, can I continue the refinement with the Rwork and Rfree rising PDB and MTZ files to try to lower the Rwork and Rfree?
On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 3:28 PM, Pavel Afonine
I calculated/validated several PDB structures in Phenix.Validation (GUI)
The R/R-free (overall) is
Further down I looked at the R/R-free for the highest resolution shell.
Its 0.2538/0.2446
I am curious why the R-free for the *highest resolution shell* seems to be LOWER than R (work).
Am I reading the information wrong?
Thank you, George
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