I ran the tests as requested and got an "ALL COMMAND_LINE TESTS OK" so things appear to be working fine. I am submitting my job to a cluster using a script that qsubs nodes=1:ppn=4,walltime=160:00:00. Then executes another script that sources phenix, sets an export phenix_rosetta path an runs "phenix.mr_rosetta mr_rosetta_params.eff ".
Hi Jermaine,
I am sorry for the trouble! I am wondering if rosetta is working quite
right? Can you possibly run the regression tests on mr_rosetta:
and see if that helps diagnose the problem?
All the best,
Tom T
>> I have been trying a standard run of mr_rosetta and I have stopped at the
>> same point (output below). 32 folders were created in the
>> GROUP_OF_RESCORE_MR_ROSETTA_1 folder and the mr_rosetta.log files all say
>> that saved overall results to a .../results.pkl and the Run log file
>> states
>> that each job finished. But no further files were written in the Work
>> folder
>> under each RUN folder and I am assuming there should be a folder with my
>> final 20 Rosetta models somewhere. Does this mean there was a failure in a
>> subscript?
>> ==============================================================================
>> Starting sub-processes Group of rescore MR rosetta:Rescoring set of
>> rosetta
>> models...
>> ==============================================================================
>> Splitting work into 32 jobs and running with 4 processors using sh
>> background=True in ....MR_ROSETTA_1/GROUP_OF_RESCORE_MR_ROSETTA_1
>> Starting job 1...Log will be:
>> Starting job 2...Log will be:
>> thanks,
>> JJ
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