On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Luca Pellegrini
Is there a way to change/select the column items displayed in the PHENIX home window, under the 'Job history' tab? At the moment, mine shows: ID/Program/Date/Job title or directory/R-free. I would like to add things like the Overall score from MolProbity etc. I looked under Preferences but couldn't find anything.
This isn't possible right now, but since you are the second person to ask, I guess I should bump it higher up on my to-do list. You would not be able to show the MolProbity score for existing jobs in any case, because it is not stored centrally, but I will add that and the clashscore now. Are there any other statistics that should be visible from this interface? (I think I have FOM and LLG for AutoSol and Phaser jobs already.) Also note that you can edit the title for a finished run, which might help a bit in the interim. -Nat